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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume One



1848. 19 January.Paraheka.This Deed made on the 19th January 1848 is the consenting of us Chiefs and men of Te Akitai with the Queen of England on her own behalf We the Chiefs and men of Akitai who claim the land described in this Deed do hereby consent to sell the said Land to Queen Victoria in consideration of four Mares given to us Chiefs and men wherefore we make and give over to Queen Victoria and to Her Successors for ever the said land with all rights thereto belonging.
The boundaries are as follows commencing at Tangitu thence to Paraheka thence to Papareia thence to the Pahi thence to Te Puku o te Pao thence to the Papakowhatu thence Boundaries. to Matarau thence to Takaraho thence to Nganipu where; it turns to Horomia thence to Te Aute where it adjoins the Government Land bounded on the other side by the Manukau the Plan of it is drawn on the other side of this Deed.

Witness our signatures and marks—

(Signed) Mohi.
Pua's x mark.

Signed in the presence of—

(Sd.) C. O. Davis, Interpreter.
" James Baber, Clk., Survey Office.

Receipt for 4 mares. We have received all the things mentioned in this Deed namely the four Mares wherefore we have signed our names this 19th January 1848.

Witness our signatures and marks—

(Signed) Mohi.
Pua's x mark.

Signed in the presence of—

(Sd.) C. O. Davis, Interpreter.
" James Baber, Clk., Survey Office.

page 312 Kaihau's receipt for £2. Received by me £2 . 0 . 0 for the land sold by Te Akitai named Paraheka we have heard the description of the boundaries read we agree to the sale of the land.

(Signed) Kaiau x his mark.
Te Ahipene.

True translation.

(Signed) C. O. Davis.

A True Copy of Original Deed and Translation.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, September 8th, 1874.