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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Special Election Issue [1950]



Frank Curtin

Working on the principle that irrespective of political colour those students who have been keenly interested in student affairs and prepared to take on responsibilities connected with them, should be preferred as Exec, members to less energetic types, I feel that Frank Curtin deserves well from the Electorate. He is a fourth year Law and Arts student, the first two years being Full-time. He has been a past committee member of Catholic Student's Guild and a member of the Drama Club. At the present moment he is Secretary to the Debating Society, and a Vice-President of the Charter Society. His ability as an organiser contributed very largely to the success of N.Z.U.S.A.'s Vacation Travel and Exchange Scheme, to which he has again been appointed this year. Extravs. have been a major interest both as actor and part author. All told Frank's qualities and energy fit him particularly well for the office of Secretary which he seeks.

Nominator: Tom Heath.

Pip Piper

Present member of the Exec. Rehab. for 3 years, resident of Weir House for two, now second year at Training College, finishing B.Sc. this year. Senior Tournament Delegate Easter and Winter 1948, plays water-polo and basketball for Varsity, skis and tramps intermittently. Member of N.Z.U. Swimming Team to Australia 1949, V.U.C. Blue Swimming and Basketball.

Present secretary of Swimming Club, past secreary [sic] Basketball Club and N.Z.U. Swimming Council, and hopes through the position of secretary to give full support for sporting clubs to encourage students to play for Varsity teams.

Last year as Distribution Manager for "Salient" he pushed sales to the highest for several years, and was member of V.U.C. Delegation to N.Z.U.S.A. Conference.

Even though the Association is here for the benefit of all students he believes that we can be too isolational in our outlook, and so we can look forward to increased co-operation with our international affiliates to ensure support in the world struggle for peace an bettering of conditions for all students.

It is with this outlook, both local and general that he can undertake the responsibility of secretaryship with a good background of student affairs.

Nominator: L. D. Swindale.