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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue 10. 24 May 1976

Apartheid Week Programme

Apartheid Week Programme

Monday 24th Hyde Park Hart - come and air and share your views on the Tour question. Rankine Brown Quad 12 noon.
Tuesday 25th Dance/Social evening. Drinks, music, and good company $1.00 admission. Please bring a plate (with food on it).
Wednesday 26th Library and Cafe will be leaflet ted several times during the day. Come up to our office (top floor Union Bldg) and give us a hand.
Thursday 27th Mock march (a trial run). Come to the lounge at midday and join in a march around campus to advertise Friday's Big March.
Friday 28th The Big Day. Activities all afternoon leading up to the march in the evening.
12 noon: Forum - hear about South Africa from those who know - Union Hall.
2pm - 3pm - Memorial Theatre.
2 screenings of Last Grave at Dimbaza - epic film which exposes Apartheid and all its horrifying implications.
2pm - 6pm - Folk music, guerilla theatre, a South Africa display, banner paint-up and assorted pastimes. Come and spend some time with us. Union Hall.
Cafe and SASRAC open until 6pm

6pm Rally, Hunter Lawn for the March Downtown.