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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

Moderately slow and with expression. WORDS BY MRS. COCK BURN. I've seen the smil - ing "Of For - tune be - guil - ing,' I've felt all her fa-vours and found her de-cay; Sweet was her bless - ing. Kind her ca - ress-ing; But now they are fled, .... fled far a-way. I've seen the fo-rest A-dom'd the fore-most, Wi' flow-ers o' the fairest, baith plea - - sant and gay; Sae bon - ny was their bloom - ing! Their scent the air per-fum - ing! But now they are wi-ther'd and a' wede1 a way. 1 Weeded or ro…

Moderately slow and with expression. WORDS BY MRS. COCK BURN. I've seen the smil - ing "Of For - tune be - guil - ing,' I've felt all her fa-vours and found her de-cay; Sweet was her bless - ing. Kind her ca - ress-ing; But now they are fled, .... fled far a-way. I've seen the fo-rest A-dom'd the fore-most, Wi' flow-ers o' the fairest, baith plea - - sant and gay; Sae bon - ny was their bloom - ing! Their scent the air per-fum - ing! But now they are wi-ther'd and a' wede1 a way. 1 Weeded or rooted out.