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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

Marziale. Wha wad - na fecht for Char - lie? Wha wad - na draw the sword? Wha wad - na up and ral - ly At the roy - al Prin - ce's word? Think on Sco - tia's an - cient he - roes, Think on fo reign foes re-pell'd, Think on glo-rions Bruce and Wal - lace, Who the proud u - sur-pers quell'd

Marziale. Wha wad - na fecht for Char - lie? Wha wad - na draw the sword? Wha wad - na up and ral - ly At the roy - al Prin - ce's word? Think on Sco - tia's an - cient he - roes, Think on fo reign foes re-pell'd, Think on glo-rions Bruce and Wal - lace, Who the proud u - sur-pers quell'd