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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

Maeslaro. Words by Burns. Scots, wha ha'e wi' Wal-lace bled! Scots, wham Bruce has af - ten led! Wei - come to your go - ry bed, Or to vie - to - ry! Now's the day, and now's the hour; See the front of bat - tie lour; See ap - proach proud Ed - ward's pow'r, Chains and sla - ve - ry!

Maeslaro. Words by Burns. Scots, wha ha'e wi' Wal-lace bled! Scots, wham Bruce has af - ten led! Wei - come to your go - ry bed, Or to vie - to - ry! Now's the day, and now's the hour; See the front of bat - tie lour; See ap - proach proud Ed - ward's pow'r, Chains and sla - ve - ry!