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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume Two



1873. 8 July.Receipt for £190, advance. We have received from the Superintendent of Wellington the sum of one hundred pounds sterling, and two tons of flour and one ton of sugar amounting to ninety pounds sterling, the total amount being one hundred and ninety pounds which we have received. The money is to be charged to the account of Manawatu-Wairarapa block No. 3 and added to the sum of one hundred pounds stg. received by Huru te Hiaro, Te Peeti te Awe Awe and Hoani Meihana as contained in the Deed (of Lien) signed by them on the twenty eighth day of March one thousand eight hundred and seventy three.

A True Translation.

James Grindell.
No. 16457.

Registration. Received 1 p.m. Tuesday, 20th May, 1873.

(l.s.) John E. Smith,
Registrar of Deeds.

A True Copy of Original Deed, Receipt, and Endorsement.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, December 21st, 1875.