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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume One



This Deed entered into on the 17th of January in the year 1854 being the consent of Ngatai the owner of the Island of Rangitoto being also the consent of the Queen of 1854. 17 January.Rangitoto Island. England on her part, now Ngatai the owner of the said Island doth hereby consent to page 290sell to the Queen of England and her heirs and successors for ever the Island of Rangitoto for the sum of £15 hence his now signing his name having first received the £15 Receipt for £15 into his hands.

(Signed) Na Nga Tai.


(Sd.) John Grant Johnson, Interpreter

A True Copy of Original Deed and Translation.

H. Hanson Turton

Wellington, September 7th, 1874.