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The Spike or Victoria University College Review June 1925

Tennis Club

page 65

Tennis Club.

"Tennis is a noisy game. You cannot play it without a racket."

—The Sayings of J. Brook, Esq.

The Tennis Club has again had a profitable season, particularly so in regard to membership. The number of students who joined the Club was 189, but fortunately, perhaps, the number of active players was about 80.

The courts were top-dressed during last winter, but nevertheless the surface is still capable of considerable improvement. The question of light at the northern end of the courts is also one which requires urgent attention.

Club Ladder.

Interest in the Club ladder has been well maintained and a satisfactory number of matches has been played amongst the men. The women, however, have not been quite so energetic and have allowed the positions on their ladder to become practically stationary.

At the end of the season the four top positions were held by the following players:—
Women. Men.
Miss Gardner. R R. T. Young.
Miss Thwaites. F. H. Paul.
Miss Sheppard. C. G. Ellis.
Miss E. Madeley. N. A. Foden.

The ladder is now open throughout the winter, but not many players have been keen enough to face the Wellington southerlies in light flannels.

Club Championships.

The Club Championships were pushed forward with all convenient speed, but in spite of hustling tactics on the part of the committee two of the events are still unfinished.

The following are the results:—

Men's Singles—C. G. Ellis.

Men's Doubles—R. R. T. Young and C. G. Ellis.

Combined Doubles—R. R. T. Young and Miss Tracey.

C. G. Ellis is to be congratulated on winning the Men's Singles, in the course of which he defeated successively two such redoubtable opponents as R. R. T. Young and F. H. Paul. He himself, however, had a very narrow victory over W. Hay, who this season has shown greatly improved form. C. G. Ellis's attainment is an example of what can be done by serious and assiduous practice.

Easter Tournament.

The Club was represented at the Annual Inter-College Tournament by the following:—

Men's Singles—R. R. T. Young and F. H. Paul.

Men's Doubles—R. R. T. Young and F. H. Paul, C. G. Ellis and B. O'Brien.

Ladies' Singles—Miss M. Tracey and Miss Sheppard.

Ladies' Doubles—Miss Tracey and Miss Sheppard, Miss Thwaites and Miss Madeley.

Combined Doubles—R. R. T. Young and Miss Tracey, F. H. Paul and Miss Sheppard.

Miss R. Gardner, who was originally selected for the team, was unable to make the trip to Christchurch. We regret to report that no championships were captured on this occasion, but nevertheless our representatives contested the finals in two events. Hopes were raised of a win in the Men's Singles when R. R. T. Young defeated Turner, of Auckland, who had previously beaten E. W. B. Smythe. Young, however, was unable to continue in winning mood and was obliged to acknowledge defeat to Robinson, of Canterbury, in the final.

Miss Tracey and Young were also in the final of the Combined Championship but were unable to succeed against E. W. B. Smythe and Miss Ballantyne.

Trip to Otaki.

Our annual match against the Otaki Tennis Club is always looked forward to as one of the most enjoyable events of the tennis season. This year was no exception, as a large team of players who made the trip can testify. We are able to record that we managed to defeat the local team by a small margin.