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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume One



We have received from Donald McLean Esquire on this day the 30th of November in 1857. 30 November. Manukau Block. the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred fifty seven the sum of Seventy pounds being the last and final payment for all our claims to land within the block at Manuka Claims of Ihaia and others. which have been sold by Ngatiteata to the Queen of England.
This is all the payment we are to receive wherefore we sign our names and marks Receipt for £70. on this thirtieth (30) day of November 1857.

Natana hira x his mark.
Taratikitiki x his mark.
Wiremu Hopiha.


John Hobbs.
Ihaka Taka anini.
James Fulloon.

Witnesses to the signature of Hunia—

Wm. B. Baker.
Janisch, V.

A True Copy of Original Receipt and Translation.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, August. 16th, 1875.