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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 3 (August 1, 1931)

Railway Station and Wharves

Railway Station and Wharves.

A plan for the arrangement of Lyttelton station, prepared by Mr. Edward Dobson, the Engineer for the Lyttelton and Christchurch Railway, showed a reclamation of nine acres—obtained by building a breastwork and filling in between the breastwork and the shore. Abutting on this reclamation three wharves were indicated, viz.: 1. A Railway pier;
Lyttelton Harbour In 1867. (Photo, courtesy Lyttelton Harbour Board.) This view shews (in the foreground) important reclamation work in progress and (in the background) Officers' Point Breakwater under construction.

Lyttelton Harbour In 1867.
(Photo, courtesy Lyttelton Harbour Board.)
This view shews (in the foreground) important reclamation work in progress and (in the background) Officers' Point Breakwater under construction.

2. the existing town jetty, extended; 3. the Queen's pier for Home ships under the shelter of Officers' Point.

The railway pier was to be 1,200 feet long by 10 feet wide, with a depth of water of 12ft. 6in.

To give the necessary shelter for ships lying at the Queen's Pier (No. 3) a mole was to be run out from Officers' Point.

When the twenty-third session of the Provincial Council was opened on 30th May, 1865, the Superintendent referred to the financial depression existing in the colony, and the difficulty, owing to various circumstances, in negotiating the Provincial debentures on the London market.

After voting supply the Council adjourned till 21st November, 1865, when the Superintendent stated that contracts had been let for such portion of the Harbour Works at Lyttelton as were immediately required, and, by utilisation of prison labour, a commencement had been made with the larger works which the Council had authorised.

(To be continued.)

page 38
Parcels And Luggage Transport On The N.Z.R. (Rly. Publicity Photos.) (1) Goods for inter-island transport; (2) Parcels for despatch at Thorndon station, Wellington; (3), (5), (7), handling newspaper traffic; (4) through booking traffic; (6) Wellington-Auckland express which gives speedy transport for urgent parcels; (8), (9), (10), loading and unloading parcels and mails; (11), (12), handling checked luggage on the wharves at Wellington.

Parcels And Luggage Transport On The N.Z.R.
(Rly. Publicity Photos.)
(1) Goods for inter-island transport; (2) Parcels for despatch at Thorndon station, Wellington; (3), (5), (7), handling newspaper traffic; (4) through booking traffic; (6) Wellington-Auckland express which gives speedy transport for urgent parcels; (8), (9), (10), loading and unloading parcels and mails; (11), (12), handling checked luggage on the wharves at Wellington.