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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 3 (August 1, 1931)

Lyttelton Harbour Works

Lyttelton Harbour Works.

The recommendation of the Harbour Commission that the advice of an English expert be obtained regarding the proposed harbour works at Lyttelton having been approved, Mr. W. B. Bray, the Chairman of the Canterbury Commission, went to London and, in conjunction with Mr. G. R. Stephenson, Consulting Engineer for the Province, obtained the advice of Mr. J. R. McClean who at that time was probably the most eminent authority on harbour works. Mr. McClean, in 1864 and 1865, was President of the British Institution of Civil Engineers and an engineer of international repute. He was a member of the International Commission on the Suez Canal, and had designed and carried out works of the Birmingham Canal Navigation, Bute Docks, Cardiff Docks, Alexandra Docks, Newport, and other important works. Messrs. McClean, Stephenson and Bray were appointed a Commission to report as to Lyttelton Harbour, and they recommended what is the basis of the present harbour works. In laying the report of this Commission before the Provincial Council the Superintendent stated (in part):— “It may be assumed that the character of the works ultimately required are determined by this report. Though the cost of the undertaking is so large that I cannot hope to see it completed, it is desirable that the work be commenced without delay and proceeded with as speedily as the resources of the Province permit.”

In order to provide a settled finance for the major works contemplated, the Railway and Harbour Works Fund Ordinance, 1864, was passed directing the Provincial Treasurer to open an account page 37 called the Railway and Harbour Works Account, and from 1st July, 1864, to pay into it:—

1. Two-fifths (⅖) of the territorial revenue of the Province.
2. All rents and net profits of the Railways and Harbour Works.
3. All sums borrowed and raised by the sale of bonds, debentures, or other securities.

And to pay out of it:—

1.Interest and sinking fund.
2. All such sums as shall by one au-thority of law be appropriated towards the construction of Railways and Harbour Works.