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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Otago & Southland Provincial Districts]

Craig, James

Craig, James , Farmer, Hilderthorpe. Mr. Craig was born in 1848, in County Antrim, Ireland. His father was an engineer and mill-wright, and the son gained some experience in that line of life. He came out to Melbourne in 1865, and was on the diggings at Ballarat, Smyth's Creek, and in other parts of Victoria. In 1889 he landed in Otago, and engaged in goldmining in the Dunstan district for five years Mr. Craig settled in the Oamaru district in 1874, and became a farmer and threshing mill proprietor. His farm at Hilderthorpe consists of 300 acres of freehold, which he works in conjunction with his mills. He was married, in 1883, to a daughter of Mr. W. L. Gray, of Pukeuri, and has one daughter.

Mahan and Muir, photo. Mr. Caraig, Mrs Caraig, and Miss Caraig.

Mahan and Muir, photo.
Mr. Caraig, Mrs Caraig, and Miss Caraig.