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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

Andante Words by Burns. Now in her green man - tle blythe Na - ture ar - rays, And lis - tens the lamb - kins that bleat ower the braes, While birds war - ble wel - come in il - ka green shaw; But to me it s de - light - less, my Nan - nie s a - wa', But to me . . it a . . de - light - less, my Nan - nie's a - - wa'

Andante Words by Burns. Now in her green man - tle blythe Na - ture ar - rays, And lis - tens the lamb - kins that bleat ower the braes, While birds war - ble wel - come in il - ka green shaw; But to me it s de - light - less, my Nan - nie s a - wa', But to me . . it a . . de - light - less, my Nan - nie's a - - wa'.