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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

WORDS BY BURNS. Ye banks and braes o' bon - nie Doon, How can ye bloom sae fresh and fair; How can ye chant ye lit - tie birds, And I sae wea - ry, fu' o care! Ye'll break my heart, ye war-bling birds, That wan-ton thro the flow - ry thorn; Ye mind me o' depart - ed joys, De - part - ed ne - ver to re - turn

WORDS BY BURNS. Ye banks and braes o' bon - nie Doon, How can ye bloom sae fresh and fair; How can ye chant ye lit - tie birds, And I sae wea - ry, fu' o care! Ye'll break my heart, ye war-bling birds, That wan-ton thro the flow - ry thorn; Ye mind me o' depart - ed joys, De - part - ed ne - ver to re - turn,