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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

whase can he be? And how cam this horse here With-out the leave o me? Ad lib. (May be spoken.) "A horse!" quo' she,—"Aye, a horse!" quo' he. Ye auld blind doit-ed bod-dy, And blind-er mat ye be! It's but a bon-nie milk-cow, My mi -ther sent to me. "A milk-cow!" quo'he,—" Aye, a milk-oow! quo she. Weel, far hae I rid-den, And muc-kle hae I seen; But sad-dies up - on milk-cows Saw I ne-vernanel

whase can he be? And how cam this horse here With-out the leave o me? Ad lib. (May be spoken.) "A horse!" quo' she,—"Aye, a horse!" quo' he. Ye auld blind doit-ed bod-dy, And blind-er mat ye be! It's but a bon-nie milk-cow, My mi -ther sent to me. "A milk-cow!" quo'he,—" Aye, a milk-oow! quo she. Weel, far hae I rid-den, And muc-kle hae I seen; But sad-dies up - on milk-cows Saw I ne-vernanel