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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

THE HOUSEHOLD. ENCOURAGE NEW ZEALAND INDUSTRIES. It is now a well-established fact that the Sauces and Pickles manufactured by Carew and Co., at their establishment, Great King Street, Dunedin, are equal in Purity, Flavour, and Quality to the very best imported articles; while at the same time they possess the advantage of being much cheaper than the Home goods. The Sauces have been analysed by Professor Black, and a Certificate from that gentleman is attached to each Bottle. The TOMATO SAUCE, …

THE HOUSEHOLD. ENCOURAGE NEW ZEALAND INDUSTRIES. It is now a well-established fact that the Sauces and Pickles manufactured by Carew and Co., at their establishment, Great King Street, Dunedin, are equal in Purity, Flavour, and Quality to the very best imported articles; while at the same time they possess the advantage of being much cheaper than the Home goods. The Sauces have been analysed by Professor Black, and a Certificate from that gentleman is attached to each Bottle. The TOMATO SAUCE, The WORCESTER SAUCE, And the Pickles and Preserves Bearing the Brand of CAREW & Co., Are unequalled for PURITY, FLAVOUR, and CHEAPNESS. Study Economy and Encourage New Zealand Industries.