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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

THE BEST SEWING MACHINE EVER PRODUCED Whether for Family use of Manufacturing, is the Double Thread, Lock Stitch, Light Running NEW DAVIS EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. IT WILL LAST A LIFETIME! VERTICAL FEED. Sews any Fabric from lace to leather. Has the automatic, self-regulating tension and take-up. Always in order, and never fails in its duty. Produces the best quality of work in the greatest variety. Requires no instructor—the printed directions alone are needed. Made from the finest material, by…

THE BEST SEWING MACHINE EVER PRODUCED Whether for Family use of Manufacturing, is the Double Thread, Lock Stitch, Light Running NEW DAVIS EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. IT WILL LAST A LIFETIME! VERTICAL FEED. Sews any Fabric from lace to leather. Has the automatic, self-regulating tension and take-up. Always in order, and never fails in its duty. Produces the best quality of work in the greatest variety. Requires no instructor—the printed directions alone are needed. Made from the finest material, by expert workmen. Try it; it has never failed to give perfect satisfaction. ALBERT WALKER, Sole Agent for Dunedin, 174 & 176, GEORGE STREET.