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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 81

A Few Figures taken from the Department Ledger, October 1st., 1910

Department lnventory Expences Sales Loss Bread Bakery 1909 1910 1909 1910 1909 1910 1909 1910 1909 1910 1909 1910 1909 1910 1909 1910 1909 1910 Dr. 3,228.01 4.447.17 Dr. 1.107.04 11. 670 98 4,44776 4,447.55 1,354.11 4.593.83 2.20 1.00 4.053.75 2.789.09 8.808.12 14.864.00 17.703 40 1.926.65 1,229.90 Cr. 1,382.28 1,410 98 Cr. 6.916.08 6,690.42 1,045,01 1,668.28 4,746.52 3,531.61 4,863.04 4,543.13 1.786.01 2,85874 741.00 1,190.46 Wafer Bakery Laundry 3,911.74 3,724.85 3,301.09 3.505.41 83478 1,561.95 1,561.95 1,027.72 +768,56 905.00 2,855 82 193.74 Plumbing Shop Furniture Shop 6,067.21 3,684.99 3.2I6.12 2,813.14 3.109.02 3,806.55 11.737.52 13,639,00 6,325.74 3,758.14 3,410.61 2,044.58 2,204.02 3,823 08 14,237.86 10783.18 258.53 73.15 194,49 Print Shop 16.53 CHICKENS FARM GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 102.12 2.500,36 Paid all Citizens Wages. $1398.96 Five months shut down for repairs and work on other buildings This serious loss is due to three factors: (A) A change of formers and the inexperience of the new man with boy help. (B) A serious drought which continued through out July. August and half of September and which caused the almost total failure of the potato crop and greatly injured the com crop. (C) The death of two valuable horses from acute indigestion.

A Few Figures taken from the Department Ledger, October 1st., 1910