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Maori Deeds of Old Private Land Purchases in New Zealand, From the Year 1815 to 1840, with Pre-Emptive and Other Claims



1836. 18 April.te hihi.Know all men by this book of ours, that we give over and sell to Mr. Williams, to his children, and his seed for ever, the land called the Hihi, for them to reside on, to work Henry Williams. [500 acres.]on, to sell, or do what they like with it. These are the names of the boundaries: The Kahutoto, Waikopiro, te Kerapa, Waingoro, the beginning of the marks on the trees, Wehiwehi, straight on to Nga Tokorua Ataratuna, The Towai, along to Wakaramuramu, the Kahikatea, the Maurere, along to Tomotomokia, and Motu Kahikatea of the old boundary, along to the Ahikakariki, the Tohutoka, the Puakupe, the Umutakiura. The Sacred places excluded.sacred places the Warehuinga, Nga Mahanga, the Umutakiura is left out. This is the payment we have received: Fourteen Blankets, One hundred Dollars, Ten Spades, Two Receipt.Gowns, Five Hatchets. Therefore we sign our names and marks this Eighteenth day of April, 1836.



True Translation.

Henry Kemp.

No. 245b.O.L.C. A True Transcript of Certified Copy of Original Deed and Translation.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, 30th January, 1879.