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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume Two



Auckland, 22nd September, 1855.
I have this day received the sum of One hundred pounds from Mr. McLean through the1855. 22 September.Makaretu. hands of Mr. Kemp, these monies being an advance upon the lands shortly to be sold toReceipt for £100, advance the Government of New Zealand. The name of the land is "Makaretu" in the Ruataniwha, Hawke's Bay.

£100—By cheque.

The mark of Hapuku Ika o te Moana x.


John White, Interpreter, L.P.D.

A True Transcript of Office Copy of Original Receipt.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, February 18th, 1876.