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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume One



1854. 22 February.Waikato District.This Deed entered into on the 22nd of February 1854 the consenting of Karaka Tomo Chief of the Ngatipo also the consenting of the Queen of England on her part, Now I the owner of the Land described in this Deed do now agree to sell this Land to Queen Victoria Oruarangi. for the sum of £30 now given to me for this I give up and make over to Victoria Queen of England and her Heirs and Successors for ever this Land and all thereto belonging.
Boundaries. [332 acres.] The Boundaries are these, on the North by Marshall's Land by the Creek of Kawatawhiua on the East by the Waikato river on the West by the line as cut to the river.

A sketch of this Land is on the other side of this Deed, This Land is called Oruarangi.

Receipt for £30. Received by me the sum of £30 as agreed to in this Deed hence my signing this my name on the 22nd of February in the year of our Lord 1854.

(Signed) Karaka Tomo.


(Signed) James Baber, Draftsman, Survey Office.
(Signed) Andrew Sinclair, Clerk, Survey Office.

A True Copy of Original Deed and Translation.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, February 9th, 1875.