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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1932. Volume 3. Number 2.



The drive was an unqualified success, even if the present holder of the N.Z.U. record for the mile was caught at Upper Hutt by an unsympathetic cop who wouldn't, believe that the ancient Lizzie with an exhaust like a Gatling gun couldn't exceed the speed-limit even if she tried. Mr Harris was responsible for this success—the drive part of it, that is, and Helen Dunn was responsible for the excellent tea at the Brown Owl. We are thinking of constituting Doug Burns as official Keeper of Records and Engraver of Shields, so efficiently did he perform this section of his tasks. Good biz, Doug., old thing!

The world was kept aware of our activities by the excellent advertising, which was controlled by A. J. Crisp, with H. N. Hannah as assistant. The other Colleges were amazed at the accuracy of our programmes. We are keeping the fact that R. F. East was responsible for this from Cop. Morrison. "We should hate to see East accused of speeding.

The hectic ten days prior to Tournament may be summed up as follows: C.U.C. first raised the question of abandoning Tournament, O.U. definitely withdrew, but after many conferences at and between the various centres, the full Tournament was held, Otago pluckily coming up with a much-weakened representation.

Good Friday dawned very cold at the Executive room when the last billetting list was put in the last "lucky packet"—incidentally, the names "Zinzan." of A.U.C., "Young." of C.U.C., and "Miss D. Thicket," of O.U., proved very popular with those in charge of "lucky packets," as they were the last on the lists. After a short, sharp sleep, various broken wrecks were hurtled down to the Ferry Wharf, where sunshine was brought again to their lives by the Haeremai Club's magnificent salvos in reply to the defiant hakas from the Rangatira.