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The Spike or Victoria University College Review Silver Jubilee 1924

The World is—

The World is—

The world is small. In 1899, two students named Mary A. Blair and Annie I. Smyth attended lectures at Victoria College in the old Girls' High School. The years passed. Mary A. Blair became Dr. Blair of 23 Belgrave Road, Eccleston Sq., London S.W., 1. Annie Smyth became Captain Smyth of the Salvation Army, serving in the mission fields in Japan.

More years passed. The Great War came and it also passed. Captain Smyth was in Hospital in Yokohama with a broken foot. Let her complete this "story."

"Nurse McK—t was asking me where my home was. At the mention of New Zealand she told me she had worked with a Now Zealand lady Dr. named Mary Blair among Serbian refugees in the Island of Corsica in the war time. She then produced her album of photos taken by herself on the island. In one group was Lord "forget his name' who was in charge of the relief work, Mary Blair and her mother, the hospital staff and some of the refugees. Mary was in another one taken with the women folk, holding a small child in her arms. There was another one of her in her office writing, and others taken on the beach near the little house that had been lent them to go off and rest." Truth is stranger than fiction!

* * * * *


J. C. M cDowall, who began as "boy" under Professor Easterfield and remained at V.U.C. till he graduated B.Sc. and became a member of the teaching staff, was, a year or two ago, rushing through Noav York. He stayed one night only in a certain hotel there, and had only one meal in that hotel. As he entered the breakfast room he stared hard at a familiar face—and recognised an old V.U.C. friend, William Gillanders, who was also on a brief visit to New York. McDowall is now at Stratford in Taranaki. Gillanders is happily settled in Oakland, California. When and where will they meet again?

The world is big!