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An Epitome of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs and Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand

No. 2. — Mr. Commissioner Rogan to the Chief Commissioner

No. 2.
Mr. Commissioner Rogan to the Chief Commissioner.

Karioi.Reporting completion of the Survey of that Block. Whaingaroa, 9th August, 1855.


I have the honor to inform you that the survey of Karioi, the land offered to the Government by the chief Hoani Papita and the Native owners in this district, is completed, and I have ascertained its area to be about twelve thousand (12,000) acres, exclusive of a Native reserve containing about six hundred (600) acres.

The Natives decided on retaining the whole of the water frontage, from the entrance of the harbour inland to the proposed township, and following Mr. Ligar's boundary for about two miles, which comprises nearly the whole of the available land in this block. The land southward of the Native reserve is rendered unavailable owing to a great number of ridges and ravines running from the top of the mountain to the sea, and the land on the opposite side of the mountain, towards the inland boundary, is formed in a similar manner. After due consideration, I offered the Natives a sum of Four hundred and seventy-five pounds (£475), One hundred pounds (£100) having been paid by you to the Native Kereopa by way of instalment on land within the present survey, known as the Hutiwai. They have unanimously declined this offer, and requested me to refer the question for your consideration.

I therefore respectfully request that you will favour me with a reply to this letter, in order that I may inform the Natives of your decision as to whether a sum in addition to that already offered will be given them.

I have, &c.,

John Rogan,
District Commissioner.

Donald McLean, Esq.,
Principal Commissioner, Auckland.