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Maori Deeds of Land Purchases in the North Island of New Zealand: Volume Two



This is a paper of our full consent on this 15 fifteenth day of December 1853 entirely to1853. 15 December.Ruamahanga(Land on). give up a certain portion of our land to Victoria the Queen of England and to the Kings or Queens who may succeed her for ever and ever.
The Queen of England agrees also on her part to pay us the sum of Twenty Pounds (£20) once told which payment we have this day received of Mr. McLean.Receipt for £20.
The boundaries of the land commence at Tauwharepurakau thence along theBoundaries. boundary of the land already sold to the horse fence and down the Ruamahanga Stream to Tauwharepurakau that is all that portion which was reserved as a plantation for Ngatikahungunu at the time of the purchase at Tuiterata of Rakaiwakairi with its plains timber and all appertaining to the said land which is now given up for ever.

The testimony whereof we hereunto sign our names.

Tutere Kingi Wakahaurangi.
Raniera Roimata x.
Wiremu Tamihana Hiko.


John P. Russell,

Settler, Wairarapa.

Archd. Gillies,

Settler, Otaraia, Wairarapa.

Rihara Taki,

Kaiwakaako, Wairarapa.

A True Copy of Original Deed and Translation.

H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, February 4th, 1876.