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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

When Ye Gang Awa, Jamie. — Jeanie

When Ye Gang Awa, Jamie.


1 When ye gang awa, Jamie,
Far across the sea, laddie;
When ye gang to Germanie,
What will ye send to me, laddie?

3 That's nae gift ava, Jamie,
Silk and gowd and a', laddie,
There's ne'er a goun in a' the toun
I'd like, when ye're awa, laddie.

5 Be my gudeman yersel, J amie,
Marry me yersel, laddie,
And tak' me ower to Germanie,
Wi' you at hame to dwell, laddie.

7 Ye should hae telt me that in time, Jamie,
Ye should hae telt me that lang syne, laddie,
For had I kent o'your fause heart,
You ne'er had gotten mine, laddie.

9 Gae back to your wife and hame, Jamie,
Gae back to your bairnies three, laddie;
And I will pray they ne'er may thole
A broken heart like me, laddie.

2 I'll send ye a braw new gown, Jeanie
The brawest in the town, lassie;
And it shall be o' silk and gowd,
Wi' Valenciennes set round, lassie.

4 When I come back again, Jeanie,
Frae a foreign land, lassie,
I'll bring wi' me a Gallant gay,
To be yer ain gude man, lassie.

6 I dinna ken how that wad do, Jeanie;
I dinna see how that can be, lassie,
For I've a wife and bairnies three,
And I'm no sure how ye'd agree, lassie.

8 Your een were like a spell, Jeanie,
Mair sweet than I could tell, lassie,
That ilka day bewitch'd me sae,
I could na help mysel, lassie.

10 Dry that tearfu ee, Jeanie,
Grieve nae mair for me, lassie,
I've neither wife, nor bairnies three,
And I'll wed nane but thee, lassie.

12 Blair in Athol's mine, Jeanie,
Fair Dunkeld is mine, lassie,
Saint Johnstoun's bow'r, and Hunting tow'r;
And a' that's mine is thine, lassie.