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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

Allister M'Allister

Allister M'Allister.

Cheerfully and marked. 0 Al-lis-ter M'-Al-lis - ter, Your chan-ter sets us a' a - stir, Get out your pipes and blaw wi' birr, We'll dance the High - land fling. Now A1 - lis - ter has tun'd bis pipes, And thrang as bum - bees fe their bykes2 the 2 Spirit. 2 Lees from their blves.

page 3

lads and las - ses loup1 the dykes, And ga - ther ou the green. O A1 - lis - ter M' - Al - lis - ter, Your chan - ter seta us a1 a - stir, Then to your pipes and blaw wi' birr, We'll dance the High - land fling. Leap.

The miller, Rab, was fidgin' fain 2
To dance the Highland fling his lane,
He lap and danced wi' micht and main,
The like was never seen.
As round about the ring he whuds,3
And eracks his thumbs and shakes his duds,4
The meal flew frae his tail in cluds,5
And blinded a' their e'en.
O Allister M'Allister, &c.

He shock his derblets in the wund,
His feet like hammers strack the grund,
The very moudieewarts 6 were stunn'd,
Nor ken'd what it could mean.
Now Allister has done his best,
And weary stumps are needin' rest,
Besides wi' drouth 7 they're sair distress'd,
Wi' dancin' sae, I ween.
O Allister M' Allister, &c.

2 Very anxious.

3 Bounds.

4 Clothes.

5 Clouds.

6 Moles.

7 Thirst.