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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

That Dirty Rinigade*

That Dirty Rinigade*

Ye haythen gods an' goddesses from high Olympus' brow,
Assist me muse, och don't refuse, but listen to me now,
Wid magic fire inspire me lyre, an' lind to me yer aid.
Whilst I expose (me timper's rose) that dirty rinigade,

Sure, in our brave Provincial ranks we placed him in the front,
We thought him sharp—Awake, me harp, an' sing the power o' blunt;
The thraitor bould has gone an' sould his conscience. Why upbraid
The haythin Turks, their dirty works can't match this rinigade?

At Geordie's back, wid Stout an' Mac, we placed him In the van,
I sed, "me boys, whin there's a noise, faix Donald is the man
To use a stick, asthore avick, he'll niver be afraid";
I little thought he could be bought, that dirty rinigade.

Whin bould Sir George, from Kawau's gorge, charged madly in the fight
In hour of need, we thought that Reid would still with us be write;
But whin we thried to put aside the laws that Vogel made,
An' to obsthruct, the varmint buck'd, that dirty rinigade.

An' whin, be Jove, we nobly sthrove the counthry's time to waste
In useless gas, he helped to pass (the vile ungrateful baste)
The Cinthral Act, sure it's a fact, 'twas thus his cards he played;
As I'm a pote, he turned his coat, that dirty rinigade.

An' thin agin, as soon as whin we formed the bright iday
To sind brave Mac an' Geordie back across the roarin' say,
Before the throne to cry ochone! our saycrid cause to plaid—
This sarpint jeered, an' laughed, an' sneered, the dirty rinigade.

Avinging gods, on Taieri's clods let all your anger fall,
They've spoiled our game, we'll have (oh shame) no ruction afther all,
For it's through thim supportin' him our party is bethrayed;
May Cnimmell's curse, or something worse, o'eitake that rinigade.

Paddy Murphy.

Lambton Kay, Wellin'ton,

* About this time Mr. Donald Reid seceded from the ranks of the Provincialists.