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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 81

Report of Massachusetts Aid Committee

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Report of Massachusetts Aid Committee

In response-to a letter written by Mr. Derrick, a meeting was held on March 29, 1910 at the home of Mrs. J. J. Storrow, 417 Beacon St.. Boston. The purpose of this meeting was to form a Mass. Aid Committee which should be responsible for securing all contributions sent to the Republic; by Mass. contributors,

Since July 1, 1910 the monthly appeals have been sent out by its Secretary who forwards all checks to Mr. Agnew. A list of all contributors and their contributions is sent the last day of each month to the Field Secretary, that all records may be kept up to date. The Field Secretary sends a list to the Secretary of all contributions sent direct to Mr. Agnew.

It is hoped that there will be no misunderstanding in regard to the purpose of the Committee, It is not working independently but in co-operation with the management in its efforts to maintain and increase the number of contributors.

The Secretary has received since July 1, 1910. $2,08.2.00.

Massachusetts Aid Committee.

  • Mrs. John E. Thayer, Pres.
  • Mrs. Edward D. Brandegee
  • Mrs. Walter C. Bailey
  • Miss Frances G. Curtis
  • Mrs Arthur Lyman
  • Mrs. Dana Malone
  • Mrs. Francis G. Shaw
  • Mrs. James J. Storrow
  • Mrs. J. Franklin Mcelwain, Sec. 39 Chestnut Street, Boston