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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 69

Lady Scott

Lady Scott.

protect British subjects and interests at Yangchow in 1868; and later in that year he was commander of the flotilla of boats which assisted Commodore O. J. Jones and the Naval Brigade to destroy some walled piratical villages on the Outing-Poi Creek, near Swatow. Lord Charles Scott was in command of H.M.s. Bacchante in 1881, when she page 42 visited Australia with the two sons of the Prince of Wales on board as midshipmen. He received the decoration of C.B. in 1882, and in the following year again visited Australia, when he married Miss Ada Mary Ryan, second daughter of Mr. Charles Ryan, of Melbourne and Mount Macedon (Victoria), by whom he has two sons. He has lately been attached to one of the Navy steam reserves in Britain and was created a Rear-Admiral in 1888.