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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 10

[Letter to Governor Grey 13th June 1866]

Copy of a letter from Kooro to One and others to His Excellency Governor Grey:—


"O Friend Governor Grey,—

"Salutations to you. This is a writing to you from us, so that you may know our thoughts respecting the land which is being sold by Hoani Meihana and Tape te Whata. It is situated between Rangitikei and Oroua. We, the chiefs and all the people, are averse to the sale of that land. This is to be a lasting possession for us. The bonndary commences at Whitirea, in the region of Manawatu, thence towards the sea by way of Te Atatuhi to Otupere; the bouudary turns off there and goes to Kaikokopu, thence to Kakukuera, Oraanuka, Puketotara, Te Kawau, Totarataepa, Kopnapokoro Te Puta, Whakam-oetakapu, Pareoa, Papauku; there it strikes off and goes to Umutoi on the Oroua, Te Awahuri, thence following the course of the Orouft to Puketotara meeting the formed boundary at Whitirea. We are the proprietors of this tract, that is to say, of that portion of the block towards Oroua and Manawatu. There are also some persons dwelling on the side towards Rangitikei who are holding on to it. Perhaps they have been to you to explain their views, and to let you know who they are; so therefore, when you have seen our thoughts do you send them on to the Runanga, so "that they may also see.

"This is all we have to say to yon from the men of the following hapus":—

(Here follow the signatures.)