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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 6

II.—Miscellaneous Trees, Not Coniferous

II.—Miscellaneous Trees, Not Coniferous.

Acacia acuminata, Benth.

A kind of Myall from Western Australia, attaining a height of 40 feet.

Acacia decurrens, Willd. (A. mollissima, Willd. A. dealbata, Link.)

The Black Wattle or Silver Wattle. From the eastern part of S. Australia, through Victoria and N. S. Wales, to the southern part of Queensland, in open plains a small or middle sized tree, in deep forest recesses a lofty tree, of singularly rapid growth. Its wood can be used for staves and many other purposes, but its chief use would be to afford the first shelter, in treeless localities, for raising forests. Its bark, rich in tannin, and its gum, not dissimilar to Gum Arabic, render this tree also important. Other quick growing trees, useful in various ways, growing in any soil and enduring drought, can be used simultaneously, by mere dissemination, in ploughed ground, for dense temporary belts of shelter, or for quick yielding fuel plantations, such as Acacia pycnantha, A. lophantha, Casuarina quadri-valvis, Casuarina suberosa, Eucalyptus melliodora. Eucalyptus viminalis and many other Eucalypts, all easily growing from seed.

Acacia homalophylla, Cunn.

The Victorian Myall, extending into the deserts of N.S. Wales. The dark brown wood is much sought for turner's work on account of its solidity and fragrance; perhaps its most extensive use is in the manufacture of tobacco pipes. Never a tall tree.

Acacia Melanoxylon, R. Br.

The well known Blackwood of our river flats and moist forest valleys, passing also under the inappropriate name of Lightwood. In irrigated valleys of deep soil the tree will attain a height of 80 feet, with a stem several feet in diameter. The wood is most valuable for furniture, railway carriages, boat-building, casks, billiard tables, pianofortes (for sound-boards and actions), and numerous other purposes. The fine-grained wood is cut into veneers. It takes a fine polish, and is considered equal to the best Walnut. Our best wood for bending under steam. For further details refer to the volumes of the Exhibitions of 1862 and 1867.

Acer campestre, L.

Extends from Middle Europe to North Asia. Height 40 feet, in shelter and deep soil; the yellow and purple tint of Its foliage in autumn render the tree then particularly beautiful. The wood is compact and fine-grained, and sought for choice furniture. The tree can he trimmed for hedge growth. Comparatively quick of growth, and easily raised from seed. These remarks apply to almost all kinds of Maples.

Acer dasycarpum, Ehrhart.

The Silver Maple of North America. Likes rather a warmer climate than the other American Maples, and therefore particularly desirable for us here. Height 50 feet; wood pale and soft, stem sometimes 9 feet in diameter.

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Acer macrophyllum, Pursh.

Large Oregon Maple. Tree 90 feet high, of quick growth, stem 16 feet in circumference; wood whitish, beautifully veined.

Acer Negundo, L.

The Bos Elder of North America. A tree, deciduous like the rest of the Maples; attains a height of about 50 feet, and is rich in saccharine sap. Proved well adapted for our country.

Acer palmatum, Thunb.

This beautiful tree with deeply cleft leaves is indigenous to Japan where various varieties with red and yellow tinged leaves occur. Should it be an aim to bring together all the kinds of Maples, which could be easily grown in appropriate spots of Victoria, then Japan alone would furnish 25 species.

Acer platanoides, L.

The Norway Maple, extending south to Switzerland, 70 feet high. The pale wood much used by cabinetmakers.

Acer Pseudo-platanus, L.

The Sycamore Maple or British Plane. Attains a height of over 100 feet. The wood is compact and firm, valuable for various implements, instruments and cabinet work. It furnishes like some other maples a superior charcoal.

Acer rubrum, L.

The Red Maple, North America. A tree attaining 80 feet, fond of swampy places; wood close-grained. The trunk when twisted furnishes also curled maple wood. Grows well with several other maples, even in dry open localities of this part of Australia, although the foliage may somewhat suffer from our hot winds.

Acer saccharinum, Wang.*

One of the largest of the maples. In the colder latitudes of North America, 80 feet high. Wood of rosy tinge, when knotty or curly furnishes the Birdseye and curly Maplewood. In the depth of winter the trees, when tapped, will yield the saccharine fluid, which is so extensively converted into maple sugar, each tree yielding 2 to 4 lb. a year. The trees can be tapped for very many years in succession, without injury. The Sugar Maple is rich in potash. Numerous other maples exist, among which as the tallest may be mentioned, Acer Creticum, L., of South Europe. 40 feet; A. Iævigalum, A. sterculiaceum and A. villosam, Wallich, of Nepal, 50 feet; A. pictum, Thunb., of Japan, 80 feet.

Æsculus Hippoeastanum, L.

Indigenous to Central Asia. One of the most showy of deciduous trees, more particularly when during spring "it has reached the meridian of its glory, and stands forth in all the gorgeousness of leaves and blossoms." Height 60 feet. It will succeed in sandy soil on sheltered spots; the wood adapted for furniture; the seeds a food for various domestic animals; the bark a good tanning material. Three species occur in Japan, and several, but none of great height, in North America and South Asia.

Ailantus glandulosa, L.

S.E. Asia. A hardy deciduous tree, 60 feet high, of rather rapid growth, and of very imposing aspect in any landscape. Particularly valuable on account of its leaves, which afford food to a silkworm Bombyx Cynthia), peculiar to this tree; wood pale yellow, of silky lustre when planed, and therefore valued for joiners' work. In South Europe planted for avenues.

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Alnus glutinosa, Gærtn.

The ordinary Alder. Throughout Europe and extra tropical Asia, 70 feet high; well adapted for river banks; wood soft and light, turning red, furnishing one of the best charcoals for gunpowder; it is also durable under water, and adapted for turners and joiner's work. A. incana Willd. is an equally high and allied species.

Amyris terebinthifolia, Tenore.

Brazil. Is here perfectly hardy, and is content in dry ground without any irrigation. It proved one of the best among the smaller avenue trees, is beautifully spreading and umbrageous, and probably of medicinal value.

Angophora intermedia, Cand.

South East Australia. This is the best of the Angophoras, attaining a height of 50 feet, and growing with the rapidity of an Eucalyptus, but being more close and shady in its foliage. It would be one of our best trees to line public roads, and to effect shelter plantations.

Baloghia lucida, Endl. (Codiæum lucidum, J. M.)

East Australia. A middle sized tree. The sap from the vulnerated trunk forms, without any admixture, a beautiful red indelible pigment.

Betula alba, L.*

The ordinary Birch of Europe and extratropical Asia. It attains a height of 80 feet, and would here thrive best in moist glens of the ranges, or in the higher regions of our mountains, where it would form up at the Alpine Zone excellent shelter plantations. The durable bark serves for roofing. Wood white, turning red. The oil of the bark is used in preparing the Russian leather.

Betula nigra, L.

The Black or River Birch of North America. One of the tallest of Birches. If grown on the banks of a limpid stream, it will bear intense heat. The wood is compact, of a light colour.

Betula papyracea, Ait.

The Paper Birch of North America. A larger tree than B. alba, with a fine-grained wood and a tough bark; much used for portable canoes. It likes a cold situation.

Betula lenta, Willd.

The Cherry Birch of North America. A tree of middle size, liking moist ground. Bark aromatic. Wood rose coloured or dark, finegrained, excellent for furniture. Several Birches occur in Japan, which might well be tried here.

Carpinus Betuius, L.

The Hornbeam. A tree of 80 feet high. Middle and South Europe. Wood pale, of a horny toughness and hardness, close-grained, but not elastic. This tree would serve to arrest the progress of bushfires, if planted in copses or hedges like willows and poplars around forest plantations. A smaller species, Carpinus Americana, Mich., yields the Ironwood of North America. Four species occur in Japan (C. cordata, C. erosa, C. laxiflora, C.japonica (Blume). Carpinus viminea (Wallich) is a species with durable wood from the middle regions of Nepal.

Carya alba, Nuttall.*

The Shellbark-Hickory. A deciduous tree, 90 feet high, which delights in rich forest soil; a native of North America, Wood strong, elastic, and tenacious, but not very durable. Yields the main supply of Hickory nuts. All the hickories are extensively used in North America for hoops.

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Carya amara, Nuttall.

The Bitternut Tree or Swamp Hickory. A tree, 80 feet high, in swampy grounds of North America. Wood less valuable than that of other Hickories.

Carya glabra, Torrey.*(Carya porcina, Nuttall.)

The Hognut Tree. A tree, 80 feet high, in forest land of North America. Wood very tough; the heart-wood reddish or dark-coloured; much used for axletrees and axehandles.

Carya oliviformis, Nuttall.*

The Pecan Nut Tree. A lofty tree, fond of river banks in North America.

Carya sulcata, Nuttall.*

The Furrowed Hickory and Shellbark Hickory of some districts; also Shagbark Hickory. A tree, 80 feet high, in damp woods of North America. Heart-wood pale-coloured. Seed of sweet pleasant taste.

Carya tomentosa, Nuttall.*

The Mocker Nuttree or White Heart Hickory. A big tree of North America. Likes forest soil, not moist. Heart-wood pale-coloured, remarkable for strength and durability. Seeds very oily. Nut small, but sweet. A variety produces nuts as large as an apple.

Castanea sativa, Miller.*(C. vesca Gærtner.)

The Sweet Chesnut Tree. South Europe and temperate Asia, as far as Japan, and a variety with smaller fruits extending to North America. It attains an enormous age; at Mount Etna an individual tree occurs with a stem 204 feet in circumference. The wood is light and coarse-grained; the importance of the tree rests on its adaptability for shade plantations, its nutritious nuts and timber value.

Castanopsis argentea, A. Candolle.

A lofty tree in the mountains of India, produces also edible chesnuts. Other species of the genus Castanopsis are valuable.

Casuarina glauca, Sieber.

The Desert Sheoak, widely distributed through Australia, but nowhere in forest-like masses. This species attains, in favourable places, a height of 80 feet. Its hard durable wood is valuable. Important for its rapid growth, resistance to exposure for shelter plantation, and a speedy supply of fuel, a remark which applies also to the following species.

Casuarina quadrivalvis, Labillard.

The Coast Sheoak of South-east Australia, but not merely living in coast sand, but also on barren places up to the hills inland. Height to 60 feet. The male tree is very eligible for avenues, the foliage of the species being drooping. Cattle are fond of the foliage. For arresting the ingress of coast sand by belts of timber, this is one of the most important trees. It produces, like other Casuarinas, seeds early and copiously, and is easily raised.

Casuarina suberosa, Willd.

The Erect Sheoak of South East Australia. Height to 40 feet. A beautiful shady species. Casuarina trichodon (Miq.), C. Fraseriana, (Miq.), and C. Huegeliana (Miq.), are arboreous species of South-west Australia, all valuable for their wood.

Cedrela Taona, Roxburgh.*

The Singapore Cedar. A mere variety of this is the Red Cedar of East Australia (Cedrela Australis, Cunn.) The light beautiful wood, easily worked and susceptible of high polish, is much in request for page 20 furniture, for the manufacture of pianofortes, for boat-building and a variety of other work. As this important tree is largely extirpated in the cedar brushes, it is highly desirable to form of it in our rich forest gullies independent plantations for future local supply. The Red Cedar is hardy at Melbourne, but in our open exposed gardens and poor soil of slow growth.

Celtis Australis, L.

The Lotus tree of South Europe and North Africa. Of longevity, 50 feet high, available for avenues. Berries edible. Wood hard and dense, eligible particularly for turners and carvers' work.

Celtis Occidentalis, L.

The Huckberry Tree. A fine forest tree in Obio, and other parts of North America. Height, 80 feet. The variety called C. crassifolia is the best. The sweet fruits edible. Wood elastic and fissile.

Ceratonia Siliqua, L.

The Carob tree of the Mediterranean regions. It attains a height of 30 feet and resists drought well. Wood pale red. The saccharine pods, Algaroba or St. John's Bread, of value for domestic animals. The seeds germinate readily.

Cinnamomum Camphora, Nees.*

The Camphor tree of China and Japan, attaining a height of about 40 feet. It endures the occasional frosts of Port Phillip, though the foliage will sutler. The wood, like all other parts of the tree, is pervaded by Camphor, hence resists the attack of insects.

Corylus Colurna, L.

The Constantinople Nut tree, the tallest of Hazels, attaining 60 feet in height, of rather quick growth. This, as well as the European Hazel (Corylus Avellana, L.) and the Japan Hazel (C. heterophylla, Fischer) might be grown for copses in our forest gullies.

Corynocarpus lævigata, Forst.

The Karaka of New Zealand and the principal forest tree of the Chatham Islands, attaining the height of 60 feet. The wood is light, and used by the natives for canoes. The pulp of the fruit is edible. Cattle browse on the foliage. In rich humid soil the tree can be adopted for avenues.

Diospyros Virginiana, L.

The N. American Ebony or Parsimon. A tree 60 feet high. Wood very hard and blackish. The sweet variety yields a good table fruit.

Engelhardtia spicata, Blume.

The spurious Walnut tree of the mountains of Java and the Himalayas. It reaches a height of 200 feet.

Eucalyptus amygdalina, Labill.

In our sheltered springy forest glens attaining not rarely a height of over 400 feet, there forming a smooth stem and broad leaves, producing also seedlings of a foliage different to the ordinary state of Euc. amygdalina, as occurs in more open country. This species or variety, which might be called Eucalyptus regnans, represents the loftiest tree in British territory, and ranks next to the Sequoia Wellingtonia in size anywhere on the globe. The wood is fissile, well adapted for shingles, rails, for housebuilding, for the keelson and planking of ships and other purposes. Labillardiere's name applies ill to any of the forms of this species. Seedlings raised on rather barren ground near Melbourne have shown the same amazing rapidity of growth as those of Euc. globulus; yet, like those of Euc. obliqua, they are not so easily satisfied with any soil.

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Eucalyptus citriodora, Hooker.

Queensland. It combines with the ordinary qualities of many Eucalypts the advantage of yielding from its leaves a rather large supply of volatile oil of excellent lemon-like fragrance.

Eucalyptus diversicolor, F. v. Mueller.

The Karri of S. W. Australia. A colossal tree, exceptionally reaching to the height of 400 feet, with a proportionate girth of the stem. The timber is excellent. Fair progress of growth is shown by the young trees, planted even in dry exposed localities in Melbourne. The shady foliage and dense growth of the tree promise to render it one of our best for avenues. In its native localities it occupies fertile, rather humid valleys.

Eucalyptus globulus, Labill.

Blue Gumtree of Victoria and Tasmania. This tree is of extremely rapid growth and attains a height of 400 feet, furnishing a first-class wood; shipbuilders get keels of this timber 120 feet long; besides this they use it extensively for planking and many other parts of the ship, and it is considered to be generally superior to American Rock Elm. A test of strength has been made between some Blue Gum, English Oak, and Indian Teak. The Blue Gum carried 14 lbs. weight more than the Oak and 17 lbs. 4ozs. more than Teak upon the square inch. Blue Gum wood, besides for shipbuilding, is very extensively used by carpenters for all kinds of out-door work, also for fence rails, railway sleepers—lasting about 9 years,—for shafts and spokes of drays, and a variety of other purposes.

Eucalyptus gomphocephala, Candolle.

The Tooart of S. W. Australia; attains a height of 50 feet. The wood is close-grained, hard and not rending. It is used for shipbuilding, wheelwright's work and other purposes of artisans.

Eucalyptus marginata, Smith.*

The Jarrah or Mahogany tree of S. W. Australia, famed for its indestructible wood, which is attacked neither by Chelura nor Teredo nor Termites, and therefore so much sought for jetties and other structures exposed to sea-water, also for any underground work, and largely exported for railway sleepers. Vessels built of this timber have been enabled to do away with all copperplating. It is very strong, of a close grain and a slightly oily and resinous nature; it works well, makes a fine finish, and is by shipbuilders here considered superior to either Oak, Teak, or indeed any other wood. The tree grows chiefly on ironstone ranges. At Melbourne it is not quick of growth, if compared to our Blue Gum (Euc. globulus, Lab.) or to our Stringybark (E. obliqua, l'Her.), but it is likely to grow with celerity in our ranges.

Eucalyptus rostrata, Schlechtendal.

The Red Gum of Victoria, South Australia and many river flats in the interior of the Australian continent. Although a native tree of this colony, it has been introduced into this list on account of its wood being of extraordinary endurance underground, and for this reason so highly valued for fence-posts, piles and railway sleepers; for the latter purpose it will last at least a dozen years, and, if well selected, much longer. It is also extensively used by shipbuilders—for main stem, stern post, inner post, dead wood, floor timbers, futtocks, transomes, knight head, hawsepieces, cant, stern, quarter and fashion timber, bottom planks, breasthooks and riders, windlass, bowrails, &c. It should be steamed before it is worked for planking. Next to the Jarrah from West Australia this is the best wood for resisting the attacks of sea-worms and white ants. For other details of the uses of this and other native trees refer to the Reports of the Victorian Exhibitions of 1862 and page 22 1867. The tree attains a height of fully 100 feet. The supply for our local wants falls already short, and cannot be obtained from Tasmania, where the tree does not naturally exist.

Eucalyptus Sideroxylon, Cunn.

Iron Bark tree. It attains a height of 100 feet, and supplies a valuable timber, possessing great strength and hardness; it is much prized for its durability by carpenters, ship-builders, &c. It is largely employed by waggon-builders for wheels, poles, &c.; by ship-builders for top sides, tree nails, the rudder (stock), belaying pins and other purposes; it is also used by turners for rough work. This is considered the strongest wood in our colony. It is much recommended for railway sleepers, and extensively used in underground mining work.

Excæcaria sebifera, J. M. (Stillingia sebifera, Mich.)

The tallow tree of China and Japan. The fatty coating of the seeds yield the vegetable tallow. The wood is so hard and dense as to be used for printing blocks; the leaves furnish a black dye. The tree endures the night frosts of our open lowlands, though its foliage suffers.

Fagus Cunninghami, Hooker.

The Victorian and Tasmanian Beech. A magnificent evergreen tree, attaining colossal dimensions, and only living in cool damp rich forest valleys, not rarely 200 feet high. The wood much used by carpenters and other artisans', the myrtlewood of the trade. It requires to be ascertained by actual tests in the forests, whether the allied tall evergreen New Zealand Beeches possess any advantage over ours for forest culture, they are: Fagus Menziesii, Hooker, the Red Birch of the colonists; Fagus fusca, Hook., the Black Birch; Fagus Solandri, Hook, the White Birch. A magnificent beech, Fagus Moorei, F. von Muell. occurs in New England.

Fagus silvatica, L.

The deciduous beech of Britain, of most other parts of Europe and extra tropical Asia, and as Fagus ferruginea, Ait. in a particular variety, extending through North America. The trunk has been measured in height 118 feet, the head 850 feet in diameter; the wood is hard, extensively used by joiners and ship-builders. An allied Beech, Fagus Sieboldii, Endl., occurs in Japan. All these could here be grown to advantage only in our springy mountain forests.

Ficus Sycamorus, L.

The Sycomore Fig tree of the Orient, copiously planted along the road sides of Egypt. The shady crown extends to a width of 120 feet. Though introduced, we have as yet no local means of raising this tree in quantity, and must therefore rely on fresh importations of cuttings or more particularly seeds.

Ficus macrophylla, Desfont.

The Moreton Bay Fig-tree, which is indigenous through a great part of East Australia. Perhaps the grandest of our avenue trees, and among the very best to be planted, although in poor dry soil its growth is slow. In our latitudes it is quite hardy in the lowland. The foliage may occasionally be injured by grasshoppers. Easily raised from seed.

Fraxinus Americana, L .*

The White Ash of North America. A large tree, 80 feet high, which delights in humid forests. Timber valuable, better resisting extreme heat than the common Ash. The Red Ash (Fraxinus pubescens, Lam.), the Green Ash (F. viridis, Michx.), the Black Ash (F. sambucifolia, Lam.), and the Carolina Ash (F. platycarpa, Michx.), are of smaller size.

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Fraxinus excelsior, L.*

The ordinary Ash of Europe and West Asia. Height 80 feet, of comparatively quick growth, known to attain an age of nearly 200 years. Rich soil on forest rivulets or riverbanks suit it best; wood remarkably tough and elastic, used for agricultural and other implements, for oars, axletrees and many other purposes. Six peculiar kinds of ash trees occur in Japan, some also in the Indian Highlands; all might be tried here.

Fraxinus fioribunda, Don.

Nepal Ash, 40 feet high.

Fraxinus Ornus, L.*

The Manna Ash of the Mediterranean regions. Height about 30 feet. It yields the medicinal manna.

Fraxinus quadrangulata, Michx.*

The Blue Ash of North America. One of the tallest of the Ashes, 70 feet high, with an excellent timber.

Fraxinus viridis, Mich.

The Green Ash of North America. Height 70 feet; wood excellent.

Gleditschia triacanthos, L.

The deciduous Honey Locust tree of North America. Height up to 80 feet. Wood hard, coarse-grained, fissile. Sown closely, this plant forms impenetrable, thorny, not readily combustible hedges. An allied species the G. horrida, Willd in East Asia. The Water Locust tree of North America (Gleditschia monosperma, Walt.), will grow in swamps to 80 feet.

Grevillea robusta, Cunningh.*

Our beautiful Lawntree, indigenous to the subtropical part of East Australia, 100 feet high, of rather rapid growth, and resisting drought in a remarkable degree; hence one of the most eligible trees for desert-culture. Our cultivated trees yield now already an ample supply of seeds. The wood is valued particularly for staves of casks.

Guevina Avellana, Molina (Quadria heterophylla, R, & P.)

The evergreen Hazel tree of Chili, growing as far as 30° S. It attains a height of 30 feet, and yields the Hazel nuts of S. America

Gymnocladus Canadensis, Lamark.

The Chirot. A North American timber and avenue tree, attaining a height of 80 feet; allied to Gleditschia, but, as the name implies, thornless. The wood is strong, tough, compact, fine-grained, and assumes a rosy color.

Juglans cinerea, L.*

The Butternut tree of N. America. About 50 feet high; stem-diameter 4 feet. Likes rocky places in rich forests. Wood lighter than that of the Black Walnut, durable and free from attacks of insects.

Juglans nigra, L.*

Black Walnut tree. Attains a height of 70 feet; trunk 4 feet in diameter; found in rich forest land in N. America. Wood purplish brown, turning dark with age, strong, tough, not liable to warp or to split; not attacked by insects. Seed more oily than the European Walnut.

Juglans regia, L.*

The ordinary 'Walnut tree of Europe, but of Central Asiatic origin; it attains a height of fully 80 feet, and lives many centuries. Wood light and tough, much sought for gunstocks, furniture and other things. The shells of the nut yield black pigment, Trees of choice quality of page 24 wood have been sold for £600, the wood being the most valuable of middle Europe. Can be grown in cold localities, as it lives at 2000 feet elevation in middle Europe. The Californian Walnut tree (Juglans rupestris, Engelmann) and the Chinese Walnut tree (Juglans Mandchurica, Maxim.) ought to be introduced here.

Leucadendron argenteum, Brown.

The Silver tree of South Africa is included on this occasion among forest trees, because it would add to the splendour of our woods, and thrive far better there than in our gardens. Moreover, with this tree many others equally glorious might be established in our mild forest glens as a source of horticultural wealth, were it only to obtain in future years a copious supply of seeds. Mention may be made of the tall Magnolia trees of N. America (Magnolia grandiflora, L., 100 feet high; M. umbrella, Lam., 40 feet; M. acuminata, L., 80 feet; M. cordata, Michx. 50 feet; M. Fraseri, Walt., 40 feet; M. macrophylla, Michx., 40 feet), M. Yulan, Desf of China, 50 feet; Magnolia Campbelli, Hook., of the Himalayas, 150 feet high and flowers nearly a foot across; M. sphærocarpa, Roxb., also of the Indian Highlands, 40 feet; the North American Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera, L.), 140 feet high, stem 9 feet in diameter; the Mediterranean Styrax tree (Styrax officinalis, L.); Stenocarpus sinuosus, Endl., of East Australia (the most brilliant of the Proteacea); the crimson and scarlet Ratas of New Zealand (Metrosideros florida, Sm.; M. lucida, Menz.; M. robusta, Cunn., 80 feet high; M. tomentosa, Cunn., 40 feet); Fuchsia excorticata, L., also from New Zealand, stem 2 feet in diameter; the crimson-flowered Eucalyptus ficifolia of West Australia; Rhododendon Falconeri, Hooker, from Upper India, 50 feet high, leaves 18 inches long. In the Sassafras gullies, here alluded to, also may be planted the great Melaleuca Leucadendron, L., the true Asiatic Cajuput tree, which grows to a height of 100 feet; even the North European Holly (Ilex Aquifolium), which occasionally rises to 60 feet, though both from regions so distant.

Liquidambar Altingia, Blume.

At the Red Sea and in the mountains of India and New Guinea, at 8000 feet, and probably hardy in the warmer parts of our colony. The tree attains a height cf 200 feet. It yields the fragrant balsam known as liquid Storax.

Liquidambar styraciflua, L.

The Sweet-Gum tree. In morasses and on the springs of the forests of N. America, with a wide geographic range. The tree attains vast dimensions of its crown; the stem 10 feet in diameter. The terebin-thine juice hardens, on exposure, to a resin of benzoin odour. Wood fine-grained.

Macadamia ternifolia, F. von Muell. (Helicia ternifolia, F. M.)

The Nut tree of subtropic East Australia, attaining a height of 60 feet; hardy, as far south as Melbourne; in our forest valleys likely of fair celerity of growth. The nuts have the taste of hazels.

Morus rubra, L.

The Red Mulberry tree of North America is the largest of the genus, attaining a height of 70 feet; it produces a strong and compact timber. The White Mulberry tree (Morus alba, L.), with others, offering food to the silkworms, should be planted copiously everywhere for hedges or copses.

Maclura aurantiaca, Nuttall.

The Osage Orange of North America. Greatest height 60 feet; wood bright yellow, very elastic, fine-grained. For deciduons thornhedges the plant is important; its value for silkworms needs further to be tested.

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Ostrya carpinifolia, Scopoli.

South Europe and Orient. The Hop Hornbean. A deciduous tree, 60 feet high.

Ostrya Virginica, Willdenow.

Leverwood tree of North America, 40 feet high, in rich woodlands. Wood singularly hard, close-grained and heavy, in use for levers and other implements.

Pistacia vera, L.

Indigenous in the Orient, as far as Persia. A deciduous tree, 30 feet high, yielding the Pistacia Nuts of commerce, remarkable for their green almond-like kernels. The likewise deciduous Mediterranean Pistacia Terebinthus, L., yielding the Chio Turpentine, the P. Atlantica, Desf., and the evergreen South European Pistacia Lentiscus, L., furnishing the mastix, grow rarely to the size of large trees.

Planera Japonica, Miquel.

Considered one of the best timber trees of Japan.

Platanus occidentalis, L.

The true Plane tree of the East part of North America. More eligible as an avenue tree, than as a timber tree; diameter of stem at times 14 feet; wood dull red.

Platanus orientalis, L.

The Plane tree of South Europe and Middle Asia. One of the grandest trees for lining roads and for street planting, deciduous like the other planes, rather quick of growth, and not requiring much water; attains a height of 90 feet. The wood is well adapted for furniture and other kinds of cabinet work.

Platanus racemosa, Nuttall.

The Californian Plane tree. Wood harder and thus more durable then that of P. occidentalis, also less liable to warp.

Populus alba, L.

The Abele or White Poplar of Europe and Middle Asia. Height 90 feet. It proved here an excellent avenue tree, even in comparatively waterless situations, and gives by the partial whiteness of its foliage a pleasing effect in any plantation. Populus canescens, Sm., the grey Poplar, is either a variety of the Abele or its hybrid with the Aspen, and yields a better timber for carpenters and millwrights.

Populus balsamifera, L.

The Tacamahac or Balsam Poplar, of the colder, but not the coldest parts of North America, 80 feet high. Its variety is P. candicans, Aiton.

Populus grandidentata, Michaux.

North America, 60 feet high. A kind of Aspen.

Populus heterophylla, L.

The downy Poplar of North America. Height 60 feet.

Populus monilifera, Aiton. (P. Canadensis, Desf.)

The Cottonwood tree of North America. Height 100 feet. One of the best poplars for the production of timber.

Populus nigra, L.

The European Black Poplar, extending spontaneously to China. It includes Populus dilatata, Aiton, or as a contracted variety, P. fasti- page 26 giata, Desf., the Lombardy Poplar. Greatest height 150 feet. Growth rapid, like that of all other poplars. Wood soft, light and of loose texture, used by joiners, coopers and turners, furnishing also superior charcoal. Bark employed in tanning. The tree requires damp soil.

Populus tremula, L.

The European Aspen. Height 80 feet. It extends to Japan, where also a peculiar species, Populus Sieboldii (Miq.) exists. The aspen wood is white and tender, and in use by coopers and joiners.

Populus tremuloides, Michaux,

The North American Aspen. Height 50 feet. It extends west to California, where a particular species, Pop, trichocarpa, Torrey, occurs; All Poplars might be planted like all Willows, in our gullies, to intercept forest-fires, also generally on river-banks.

Quercus Ægilops, L.*

South Europe. A tree of the size of the British Oak. The cups, known as Valonia, used for tanning and dyeing; the unripe acorns as Camata or Camatena, for the same purpose. The wood is capital for furniture.

Quercus alba, L.*

The White or Quebec Oak. A most valuable timber tree, 100 feet high; diameter of stem, 7 feet. Wood in use by ship-builders, wheelwrights, coopers and other artisans.

Quercus annulata, Smith.

A large Oak of Nepal, which provides a very, good timber.

Quercus aquatica, Walter.

North America. Height of tree 60 feet; it furnishes a superior bark for tanning, also wood for ship-building.

Qercus Cerris, L.

South Europe, of the height of the English Oak, in suitable localities of quick growth. The foliage deciduous, or also evergreen. The wood available for wheelwrights, cabinetmakers, turners, coopers; also for building purposes.

Quercus coccifera, L.

The deciduous Kermes Oak of South Europe; so called from the red dye, furnished by the Coccus ilicis, from this Oak. It also supplies tanner's bark. The huge and ancient Abraham's Oak belongs to this species,

Quercus coccinea, Wangenheim.

The Black Oak of North America. Height 100 feet; stem-diameter, 5 feet. Foliage deciduous. The yellow dye, known as Quercitron, comes from this tree. Bark rich in tannic acid,

Quercus cornea, Loureiro.

China. An evergreen tree, 40 feet high. Acorns used for food.

Quercus falcata, Michaux.

North America. Foliage deciduous. Lives in dry sandy ground. A good-sized tree with excellent tanner's bark.

Quercus Ilex, L.

The Holly Oak of South Europe. Height of tree 50 feet. Wood in use for ship-building, bark for tanning. From varieties of this tree are obtained the sweet and nourishing Ballota and Chesnut acorns.

Quercus Incana, Roxb.

A Himalayan timber tree of great dimensions, beautiful, evergreen.

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Quercus infeetoria, Oliv.

Only a small tree, with deciduous foliage. Chiefly from this tree the galls of commerce are obtained.

Quercus lancifolia, Roxb.

A tall timber tree of the Himalayas. Wood valued for its durability.

Quercus macrocarpa, Michx.*

The Bur Oak of North America. Tree 70 feet high. The timber nearly as good as that of the White Oak.

Quercus palustris, Du Roi.

The Marsh Oak of North America. Height 80 feet; of quick growth The wood, though not fine-grained, is strong and tough.

Quercus Prinus, L.

The North American Swamp Oak. A tree, 90 feet high, available for wet localities. Foliage deciduous. Wood strong and elastic, of fine grain. A red dye is produced from the bark.

Quercus Robur, L. *

The British Oak, extending through a great part of Europe and Western Asia, attaining a great age and an enormous size. Extreme height 120 feet. Two varieties are distinguished:—1. Quercus sessilflora, Salisbury. The Durmast Oak, with a darker, heavier timber, more elastic, less fissile. This tree is also the quickest of the two in growth, and lives on poorer soil. Its bark is also richer in medicinal, dyeing and tanning principles. 2. Quercus pedunculata, Willd. This variety supplies most of the oak-timber in Britain for ship-building, and is the best for bending under steam. It is also preferred for joiner's work.

Quercus rubra, L.

The Red Oak of North America. Height 100 feet; diameter of stem 4 feet. The wood is not of value; but the bark is rich in tanin. Autumnal tint of foliage beautifully red.

Quercus semecarpifolia, Smith.

In the Himalayas. Height of tree often 100 feet; girth of stem 18 feet. It furnishes a first-class timber;

Quercus serrata, Thunberg.

One of the 23 known Japan Oaks. It yields the best food for the oak silkworm (Bombyx Yamamai.)

Quercus Sideroxylon, Humboldt.

Mountains of Mexico, at 8,000 feet elevation. An Oak of great size, of compact timber, almost imperishable in water. Q. lanceolata, Q. chrysophylla, Q. reticulata, Q. laurina, Q. obtusata, Q. glaucescens, Q. Xalapensis (Humb.) and Q. acutifolia (Nee), are among the many other highly important timber Oaks of the cooler regions of Mexico.

Quercus squamata, Roxburgh.

One of the tallest of the Himalayan Oaks. Wood lasting,

Quercus Suber, L.*

The Cork Oak of South Europe and North Africa; evergreen. It attains an age of fully 200 years. After about 20 years it can be stripped of its bark every or 7 years; but the best cork is obtained from trees over 40 years old, Height of tree about 40 feet, Acorns of a sweetish taste,

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Quercus Sundaica, Blume.

One of the oaks from the mountains of Java, where several other valuable timber oaks exist.

Quercus Toza, Bosc.

South Europe. One of the handsomest oaks, and one of the quickest of growth. Foliage evergreen.

Quercus virens, L.*

The Live Oak of North America, evergreen, 50 feet high. Supplies a most valuable timber for shipbuilding; it is heavy, compact, finegrained; it is moreover the strongest and most durable of all American Oaks. Like Q. obtusiloba, Michaux., it lives also on seashores, helping to bind the sand, but it is then not of tall stature. Of many of the 300 Oaks of both the Western and Eastern portion of the Northern hemisphere, the properties remained unrecorded and perhaps unexamined; but it would be important to introduce as many kinds as possible for local test-growth. The acorns, when packed in dry moss, retain their vitality for some months. The species with deciduous foliage are not desirable for massive ornamental planting, because in this clime they shed their dead leaves tardily during the very time of our greatest verdure.

Rhus vernicifera, Cand.

Extends from Nepal to Japan. It forms a tree of fair size, and yields the Japan varnish.

Rhus succedanea, L.

The Japan Wax tree, the produce of which has found its way into the English market. The Sumach (Rhus coriaria, L.), and the Scotino (Rhus Cotinus, L.), both important for superior tanning and for dyeing, thrive here quite as well as in South Europe. They are more of shrubby growth.

Robinia Pseudacacia, L.

The North American Locust Acacia. Height to 90 feet. The strong hard and durable wood is for a variety of purposes in use, and particularly eligible for tree nails. The roots are poisonous. The allied Robinia viscosa attains a height of 40 feet.

Sassafras officinale, Hayne.

The deciduous Sassafras tree, indigenous from Canada to Florida, in dry open woods. Height 50 feet; leaves lobed; wood and bark medicinal, and used for the distillation of Sassafras oil.

Sophora Japonica, L.

A tree of China and Japan, resembling the Laburnum, up to 60 feet high; wood hard and compact, valued for turner's work. All parts of the plant purgative; the flowers rich in a yellow dye.

Salix alba, L.*

The Huntingdon or Silky Willow of Europe and Middle Asia. Height 80 feet, circumference of stem 20 feet; wood light and elastic, available for carpenter s work and implements, bark for tanning. The golden Osier (Salix vitellina, L.), is a variety. The shoots are used for hoops and wickerwork.

Salix Babylonica. Tournefort.

The Weeping Willow, indigenous from West Asia as far as Japan. Important for consolidating river banks.

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Salix caprea, L.

The British Sallow or Hedge Willow; grows also to a tree; wood useful for handles and other implements, bark for tanning. It is the earliest flowering willow.

Salix cordata, Muehlenb.

One of the Osiers of North America.

Salix daphnoides, Villars.

Middle Europe and Northern Asia, as far as the Amoor. A tree of remarkable rapidity of growth, 12 feet in four years.

Salix fragilis, L.

The Crack Willow. Height 90 feet, stem to 20 feet in girth. A variety of this species is the Bedford Willow, Salix Russelliana, Smith, which yields a light elastic tough timber, more tannin in its bark than oak, and more salicine (a substitute for quinine) than most congeners.

Salix lanceolata, Smith.

One of the Basket Willows, cultivated in Britain.

Salix lucida, Muehlenb.

One of the Osiers of North America.

Salix purpurea, L.

Of wide range in Europe and West Asia. One of the Osiers.

Salix rubra, Hudson.

Throughout Europe, also in West Asia and North Africa; is much chosen for Osier beds. When cut down, it will make shoots 8 feet long in a season.

Salix triandra, L.*(S. amygdalina, L.)

The Almond Willow, through nearly all Europe and extratropical Asia. Height of tree 30 feet. Shoots 9 feet long, for hoops and white basket work, being pliant and durable.

Salix viminalis, L.*

The common Osier of Europe and North Asia, attains the height of 30 feet. One of the best for wicker-work and hoops; when cut it shoots up to a length of 12 feet. It would lead too far to enumerate even the more important willows all on this occasion. Professor Andersson, of Stockholm, admits 158 species. Besides these, numerous hybrids exist. Many of the taller of these willows could here be grown to advantage.

Tilia Americana, L.

The Basswood tree or North American Linden tree, growing to 52° North Latitude. Height of tree 80 feet, diameter of stem 4 feet; wood pale and soft. Tilia heterophylla, Vent., the Silver Lime of North America, and Tilia Manchurica, Rupr., of South Siberia might be tested.

Tilia Europæa, L.

The common Lime of Europe, extending naturally to Japan, the large leaved variety of South European origin. Height up to 120 feet, exceptionally 50 feet in girth. The wood pale, soft and close-grained, sought for turnery and carving; the bast excellent for mats.

Ulmus alata, Michx.

The Whahoo Elm of North America. Height of tree 30 feet; wood fine-grained,

Ulmus Americana, L.

The White Elm of North America, a tree fond of moist river banks, 100 feet high; trunk 60 feet, 5 feet in diameter.

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Ulmus campestris, L.*

The ordinary Elm, indigenous to South Europe and temperate Asia, as far East as Japan. Several marked varieties, such as the Cork Elm and Wych Elm, exist. The Elm in attaining an age of several centuries becomes finally of enormous size. The wood is tough, hard, fine-grained and remarkably durable, if constantly under water; next to the Yew, it is the best of European woods, where great elasticity is required, as for archery bows. It is also used for keels, blocks and wheels. Bast tough.

Ulmus Floridana, Chapman.

The West Florida Elm, 40 feet high.

Ulmus fulva, Michx.

The Slippery or Red Elm of North America, 60 feet high; wood red, tenacious.

Ulmus racemosa, Thomas.

The Cork Elm of North America.

For fuller information on trees, long known, refer to Loudon's Classic "Arboretum;" also for many further details to Lindley's Treasury of Botany, to Asa Gray's Manual, to Nuttall's North American Sylva, to Lawson's Pinetum and many local works; also to the volumes of the Exhibitions of 1862 and 1867.

The trees marked with an asterisk *should receive prominent attention in Victorian woodculture. The dimensions given are the greatest, of which the writer could trace reliable records.

Reprinted from the Annual Report of the Victorian Acclimation Society, 1870-1871.

Stillwell and Knight, Printers, Collins Street East, Melbourne,