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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. V.U.C. Students' Association Annual Elections, 1953

Barry Williams

Barry Williams

Barry has been around since 1948 observing matters and has decided to put his experience to some use. In 1949 he got blown into prominence during Procesh, by an unfriendly bomb on the Chem float, since when he has taken an ever widening interest in student affairs.

Completing B.Sc. this year with Radio Physics III, Barry could be called the science faculty candidate. He holds executive positions in the Chem. Soc. the Maths and Physics Society and the Photography Club.

Although pledged to the improvement of all aspects of student activity. Barry is particularly interested in the matter of public relations. He believes a lot of good work could be done, and intends to investigate the possibility of Extrav. profits to charity. (Report of this in last week's "Salient").

Nominator: B. J. Bradburn.

Seconders: R. Adams and A. G. Armstrong.