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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. V.U.C. Students' Association Annual Elections, 1951



A. W. Cook

Ashton cook has been at V.U.C. since 1917, and has taken a keen interest in student administration. He in a qualified accountant with a M.Com degree, and has now begun an Arts course.

Activities have included Cappicade (Business Manager for three years), Debating Society (Committee 1950) and Charter Club (Treasurer). Also, he has done a good deal of valuable work on various sub-committees. and in a contributor to Salient.

He in an extremely capable and efficient person, with a sound understanding of the problems involved in the administration of both the finance and general affairs of the association. His record, particularly in connection with the managership of Cappicade. In a very fine one, and he would be well suited for the task of Treasurer ship of the Association

Nominator: K. B. O'Brien.

Daphne Fletcher

Daphne fletcher has proved herself a capable Treasurer over the past twelve months, and having gained an insight into the intricacies of the Association's financial matters she in well fitted to continue to occupy the position of Treasurer. She has during her stay at the University collected an M.Com. with honours, so there can be no doubt as to her qualifications for the task.

Both as Wardrobe Mistress and Treasurer to the Drama Club, she has shown her enthusiasm and ability. She has also been joint wardrobe mistress for several Extravaganzas. Her main club interests lie with the Drama Club and the Tramping Club.

Daphne has in excellent record of service to the Association and I have no hesitation [unclear: in] recommending Daphne to the Electorate as a candidate particularly deserving of reelection.

Nominator: F. L. Curtin.