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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Executive Election Special Issue. Tuesday 13th April [1948]

Vance Henderson

Vance Henderson

Vance Henderson is a final year law student who first enrolled at VUC in 1938. An exresident of Weir House he spent four years in the armed forces. Several pre-war on social committee; Secretary Rowing Club; and took prominent part in Extrav. and Tournament haka parties, and in football, athletic, rowing and swimming clubs. President of the Defence Rifle Club, a VUC and NZU Blue in the shooting. Interested especially in the future elimination of VUC's name from all wooden spoons by fostering keenness in all sports, expert coaching, etc., Blues Committee, cafeteria and the general conduct of student affairs in a sane, sober and responsible manner.