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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Executive Election Special Issue. Tuesday 13th April [1948]

Sue Ilott

Sue Ilott

An Arts student, Suzanne is doing Honours this year and holds the N.Z. University Senior Scholarship in Victoria at Tournaments in tennis 1946 and 1948, and hockey 1945-46. Last year she won the Debating Society's New Speakers Prize. She has been on the following club committees: tennis and SCM both in 1946 and 1947, hockey and philosophic society both in 1948. She was secretary of the Women's Gym Club in 1946. and of the Women's Hockey Club in 1947, and minute secretary at the NZU Tournament Committee meetings in 1947. In the long vacation last year she was a member of the party of students who visited Canadian, and American universities.

She stands for:—
"1.First and foremost sound and efficient administration of student affairs by the Executive.
"2.A concerted effort to win the Tournament shields.
"3.Improvements in student recreational facilities, particularly the new Student Union Building, and provision of further hostel accommodation."