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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 7. April 13 1981

Fried Wonton

Fried Wonton

Wonton skin is available from some Chinese shops in town and it needs to be defrosted before it can be used.

Ingredients ½ packet wonton skin, Vikg minced pork, 2T soy sauce, 1t salt, 1t brown sugar, 4 spring onions, chopped, oil for deep frying.

1.Put the pork, soy sauce, sugar and salt in a bowl and mix well. Leave for 10 min.
2.Add the chopped spring onions into pork mixture and mix well.
3.Place a little of the pork mixture in the centre of each wonton skin. Dampen all the edges, fold over the filling and press together to seal.
4.Heat the oil to boiling point and deep-fry the wonton for about five minutes until golden brown.
5.Drain on absorbent kitchen paper. Serve hot with tomato ketchup used as a dip.