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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 7. April 13 1981

Which Side are you on?

page 7

Which Side are you on?

The National Front on Apartheid

Although you students must be bored to tears by the seemingly eternal torrent of tour/apartheid related propaganda pouring week by week out of Salient, we feel that the aforementioned topic must be presented once again, but this time with a broad minded, right thinking, and sensible approach. The decidedly non-conformist tenor of this article may cause among certain sections of the university population an outbreak of Russian Measles, characterized by inflamed and angry clusters of little red moles. But there is no cause for alarm, this disease will naturally be vigorously attacked by us wherever it occurs.

The world of the latter twentieth century is steadily dividing into two great armed camps. On one side is the communist East, on the other is the largely free West. Both sides are attempting to protect their existing interests and possessions naturally at each others expense. The East mainly under Russian hegemony, happens to be more unified in its agressive machinery and its world embracing goal; while the West with its multitude of more or less independent governments and wide spectrum of politics and philosophies is not as impervious to internal communist subversion as the East is to internal Western political influence. Therefore, wherever the Bolsheviks can divert the Western masses from within without the use of any armed force, they will certainly do so. Such a case of Russian diversionary tactics is evident only a short distance from our very own "safe" little country. This is the case of the Republic of South Africa.

"From what", you ask, "is Russia diverting our eyes from in this case?" Russia is dragging the eyes of the West away from the almost insurmountable internal problems that beset it and from which the West is all too willing to be diverted, and is focussing them, this time, on the trifling issue of apartheid in South Africa. Staring too long at one object will cause tunnel vision. This is what has happened to us. By pre-occupying ourselves with the lusty condemnation of apartheid and continuing to add to and magnify the "iniquity" of this system, we as so called humanitarian Westerners are being made blind to otherwise blatant facts and situations elsewhere.

For example, by the wholesale condemnation of apartheid the West (except for its fifth columnists: the Marxist toadies) fails to realize that in the great world conflict, the collapse of Africa's last White anti-communist nation will mean another great victory for the communists and the final Marxist domination of the whole Dark Continent. Proof? Mugabe, Isaacs, Ramsamy, Ordia: all black, all violently anti-apartheid, all Marxist.

Another factor in the South African situation foreign to most White Westerners is the continuing tribalism of African races. Tribalism, and not ideological adherence is the main motivation behind African people's interactions. It is an indisputable historical fact that wherever and whenever a While governing force withdraws its influence from over African people, the nation-state established by that power simply becomes lines on a map enclosing the bitter and brutal intrigues of warring native tribes, except now with a few Western trappings. South Africa has nine such tribes each with its own distinct language, culture, and history. The Whites have ensured the establishment of six independent nations and homelands for these peoples who are traditionally at enmity with one another. If the Whites with their powers of mass organization were to be driven out, the independence of the smaller, weaker tribal nations would certainly be jeopardized by the uninhibited presence of the stronger ones. As present proof of this one only has to impartially survey the African scene today and its legacy of Amins, Mugabes, and Bokassas.

What is probably the most significant fact in this debate is that the blacks have no rights whatsoever to land presently occupied by Europeans. Regions are White because they were first settled by Whites, and black because they were first settled by one of the nine black African racial tribes. Blacks are no more indigenous to South Africa than the Whites are, in fact, on the whole, they are less so. It sometimes astonishes, and often angers people who have been duped by liberalist communist lies, to know that the first isolated contacts between individual South African Whites and blacks took place in 1702 - fifty years after the first White settlement in Cape Town in 1652 - and that it was another fifty years before the main bodies of White and black migrants met at the Great Fish River in the north.

Therefore abstain from hypocrisy, keep your eyes open to everything, including the home front, and not just South Africa. Show that you are not a communist toady of the Bolsheviks by recognizing in the defeat of White South Africa another defeat for the West and added danger to New Zealand's freedom. If you are a true humanitarian you will support apartheid and recognize it as the protector and benefitter of all the South African races. Then you can support the 1981 Springbok tour of New Zealand and actively express your support for the brave struggle of our South African kith and kin against Bolshevism and your desire for the continued peace and prosperity of the black South African races.

Member of the National Front

Editorial Reply

Salient is not in the habit of printing racist material, or material from avowedly racist organisations. Our policy has been to refuse to accept such articles; that if racists want to promote their ideas, they can go elsewhere.

In this case, where we are presenting a feature which takes a stand against the racist National Front, their article is being used to more effectively show what they are on about. On its own, I would have no desire to print it.

At the moment, the campus National Front comprises only a very small group whose main activity is the writing of distasteful graffitti in (appropriately) the loos. However, those associated with it are serious in their attitudes and intentions and are seeking club affiliation (to use Association money and facilities). Salient believes students and the Association should make a stand against them now, before they gain the ability to conduct their purposely provocative activities.

The Article

There are some fundamental errors in the National Front article which need clearing up. The article points to the current global conflict between the two superpowers, the US and the USSR. But it then attempts to establish a connection between southern African liberation movements and the Soviet Union's imperialist desires. Proof otherwise includes the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC), Azania's (South Africa) most important liberation movement; and the successful Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), headed by Prime Minister Robert Mugabe. Both the PAC and ZANU have consistently refused Soviet 'aid', trade, weapons, troops, advisers; or to follow the political outlook of the USSR. They have pursued a policy of independence from both superpowers, and have condemned Soviet interference in other liberation movements. Victory for the PAC in Azania will bring no joy to those in the Kremlin — only to Azanian Blacks.

A second point concerns the prior settlement of land. Anthropological fact has shown that Blacks lived in the whole land area of what is now South Africa long before the arrival of white settlers. Migratory communities, the Black peoples were moving through the northern territory when white settlers arrived in the south. Hence the time lag before contact.

Anyway, who was the first doesn't really matter a tin of shit. What does matter is the current situation in South Africa, where the weak and old are forcibly removed to small patches of low quality land called "homelands", and those Blacks who can work kept in satellite towns to be transported into white industries and homes. The racist ideology of apartheid acts to preserve a system where only whites reap the benefits of Black labour. This is the ideology which the National Front represent; themselves transporting the policies of a foreign country to ours. The South African Consulate, too, speaks of that country as the 'last bastion of western freedom in the face of communism.'

The reality is that no country that keeps the vast majority of its people in such servility can call itself 'free'. To call apartheid the protector and benefitter of Blacks in South Africa is simply a massive insult.

National Front Racism

While inaccuracy is one thing, what really concerns me about this article is its underlying racist attitudes. Fascism is an illness which feeds on racism; using racism as a prop to back up its hateful actions. Fascism is a feature we could well do without on this campus, and to divest ourselves of these deadshits we can only stand as an Association and tell the National Front they're not wanted.


The National Front On Campus

Every year the Students Association Executive affiliates or re-affiliates cultural or sports clubs. These clubs have large numbers of students involved who wish to pursue a particular interest and who wish to use the Student Association facilities for this purpose.

Normally the question of whether to afficiliate a club is not controversial. The Hockey Club, the Maori Club, the Car Club, etc are not groups which cause much heated discussion. When a club like the National Front wishes to affiliate and use association facilities however, the alarm bells sound. What is the National Front? What does it intend to do on campus?

Front up with facts

The Executive has requested members of the proposed National Front Club to front up and explain exactly what they are. So far the Executive has received a short, three paragraph, explanation of their aims and ideals. The explanation was felt to be unsatisfactory and further information has been requested.

The document they have given the Executive does however give some indications about the National Front on campus. They state they will be "protecting New Zealand nationalism" with the target being "the internationalist forces at work in our nation which are consciously or unintentionally attempting in either a threatening or supportive manner to subvert the freedoms and opportunities traditionally available to New Zealand." The National Front on campus believes the groups that threaten New Zealand nationalism as comprising "mainly of international finance houses and organisations espousing or influenced by liberalism or communism."

Fine, one may say, this only sounds like a glorified justification for a Tania Harris "Kiwi's Care" march. The darker side of the National Front's aims are exposed however when the aims of the National Front on campus are compared to those of the National Front in Britain. The same vague outline of ideals is common to both.

British Equivalents

The British National Front is interested in protecting British nationalism from international finance. They believe that international finance is Jewish controlled and that Britain's opposition to Nazi Germany in the second world war, while patriotic, was a tragic mistake. Churchill and the war leadership were controlled by Jewish finance.

They further blame the Jewish conspiracy for fostering "multi-racialism" in Britain. Black people and Asians are merely the passive creatures of Jewish ambitions.

They also attack what is seen as liberal and communist influence in the trade unions and schools, indoctrinating people with 'commie' ideas are aliens who "sneer at our British race and nation and everything that has made Britain great"

The National Front further wishes to protect British nationalism by openly racist policies. Not only do they wish to throw Blacks and Asians out of Britain but also Jews, Irish, Turks, Greeks and Cypriots.

The British National Front puts its beliefs into action. By calling on the prejudices of the people, and blaming Jews and coloured immigrants for Britain's economic crisis, they have stirred up levels of racial hatred unparalleled in Britain since Mosley's Fascist group in the 1930's. Provocative National Front marches through black neighbourhoods have caused violence and furthered racial tension in Britain. One such incident lead to the death of New Zealand school teacher Blair Peach.

Is the embryonic National Front group on campus a similar type of fascist organisation? Indications, at this stage, are that it is. "Whites Only" and "Hitler was Right" graffitti in the toilets have come from a similar source and the collected works of David Stormer have a strong fascist content.

Nutters Threaten Good Fellowship

It would be a mistake to over-react or become hysterical over any new rise of fascism at Victoria. National Front nutcases are isolated from students as a whole and have about as much creditability as Richard Nixon.

This lack of credibility does not mean that we should allow them to be affiliated as a club. From little nuts big trees have grown. They should not be treated merely as a sick joke. Hopefully and in all probability students will continue to reject fascism. Should we allow the National Front the opportunity to prove us wrong?

Liberals might suggest that everybody, even the National Front, has the right to be heard. Freedom of speech goes only so far. When it is designed to incite racial tensions it becomes unacceptable. Freedom of speech does not give free license to attack Maori, Jewish and overseas students.

The National Front should not be affiliated as a club at Victoria. This can be justified by the fact that all club affiliation forms require Student Association clubs to have as one of their objects "to promote good fellowship amongst its members, members of other university clubs and members of the community." A National Front club by its very nature can never fulfill this requirement, and for this reason should not be affiliated.

Richard Hellyer


White Black
Employment and Income
Average earnings
Mining (1970, Rands p.a.)* 4370 217
Manufacturing 3643 626
Division of labour
Managers 96.6% 0.5%
Labourers 0.5% 85.8%
Per capita expenditure (1977, Rands p.a.) 654 48
Teacher/pupil ratio 1:20 1:52
University students (per 10,000 of population) 256 6
Infant mortality (per 1000) 19 112
Incidence of malnutrition (0 - 6 yrs) 6% 43%
Incidence of tuberculosis (reported cases per 10,000) 2 26
Nurses per population 1:128 1:759


How much land for 1000 people? 247 sq km 8 sq km

Human Rights

Since 1963 fifty-three political detainees have died while in police custody. During 1977 261 people were known to be in detention without trail. A further 146 people were subject to banning orders.

287,374 blacks were convicted for pass law offences.

257 people were found guilty of having sexual intercourse with someone of another color.

And More

  • The defence budget for 1979/80 was R1,682,400,000. (R1 is approx. $1.20).
  • An average of 1,685 Africans were prosecuted under the pass laws every day (1970).
  • In mid-July 1980, 26 percent of the population were unemployed.
  • Since 1955, at least 9.958 people have been convicted under the arsenal of security laws.