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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 7. April 13 1981

Front up with facts

Front up with facts

The Executive has requested members of the proposed National Front Club to front up and explain exactly what they are. So far the Executive has received a short, three paragraph, explanation of their aims and ideals. The explanation was felt to be unsatisfactory and further information has been requested.

The document they have given the Executive does however give some indications about the National Front on campus. They state they will be "protecting New Zealand nationalism" with the target being "the internationalist forces at work in our nation which are consciously or unintentionally attempting in either a threatening or supportive manner to subvert the freedoms and opportunities traditionally available to New Zealand." The National Front on campus believes the groups that threaten New Zealand nationalism as comprising "mainly of international finance houses and organisations espousing or influenced by liberalism or communism."

Fine, one may say, this only sounds like a glorified justification for a Tania Harris "Kiwi's Care" march. The darker side of the National Front's aims are exposed however when the aims of the National Front on campus are compared to those of the National Front in Britain. The same vague outline of ideals is common to both.