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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 15. July 9 1979

nsitional Provisions

[unclear: nsitional] Provisions

[unclear: Students] who were in receipt of the STB and/or the [unclear: s] Bursary may be granted the Tertiary Study Grant [unclear: /or] the Fees Grant to enable them to complete the [unclear: rse] for which they were granted the bursary, [unclear: regard-][unclear: of] the extent of their previous assistance provided [unclear: t] they continue to meet the academic requirements [unclear: down] for the continuation of the Tertiary Study [unclear: nt], and that (other than in special circumstances) [unclear: e] is no break in their study.

[unclear: Hence], according to the Department of Education, [unclear: ents] currently receiving the STB will be able to [unclear: ive] the Tertiary Study Grant to complete their [unclear: ent] course even if, under the new scheme, their [unclear: tlernent] has expired this year. In other words, a [unclear: h] year student in 1979 who requires one more [unclear: r] to complete, for example, a post-graduate or [unclear: dical] course, and who under the STB system would [unclear: e] been eligible for the STB in 1980 will receive the [unclear: tiary] Study Grant in 1980.