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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 5. March 26 1979

A Meeting with Merv

A Meeting with Merv

Tees, our ex-officio member of the National Executive of NZUSA, then told us about the meeting they held with Merv Wellington over the weekend. He said this meeting was rather unsatisfactory. They had sought an assurance from Merv that the financial position of training college students would not be discussed until negotiations concerning the Standard Tertiary Bursary had been concluded. Gandar had given the assurance, but Wellington was unable to renew this assurance. Merv also [unclear: vetoed] NZUSA's recommendation that the abatement be removed for students over the age of 20. But this is early days yet folks. Don't forget there will be a Bursaries March on April 11.

Where's my Chocolate Chew, then?

Where's my Chocolate Chew, then?

More elections were then held, and these continued in a desultory way through out the meeting. Political bribery and corruption reared its ugly head here. All contestants for a position received a toffee, and those successful received a chocolate chew. Very yummy. It also attracted the contestants, and by the end of the meeting candidates for every position except that of Overseas Student Officer had been forthcoming.

By this time it was one oclock and it was time to start discussing a few motions that had been left over from the previous meeting. Things started a bit quietly with a Tees/ Massof motion that read;

"That VUWSA supports the principle that the Student Community Service Scheme should be:-
(a)continued for the 1979/80 long vacation
(b)made a permanent provison to provide holiday employment for students
(c)given official Government approval at an early enough date or at least two months before the commencement of the long summer vacation.

Not even the stupidest of souls could find anything to say against this motion, and it was duly passed.