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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 5. March 26 1979


In an effort to catch the house-wives market. Victoria University has introduced what is believed to be a world first: [unclear: serialised] SRC's, Last week saw the continuing story of The Many Motions, part 2. The wet weather had driven the crowds, lemming like, indoors so that there was a very sizable crowd to be cajoled, abused and amused by chairperson Andrew Tees.

A rather remarkable matter was brought up by Simon Wilson at the beginning of the meeting. I am of course telling you nothing new when I say the library is rather short of space. One way to alleviate the problem would be for the staff club room, currently situated on the third floor, to move out. The staff are, however, refusing to move out until they get new accommodation accommodation that is with a view of the harbour. Naturally, no student would wish to deprive our hard working academic oracles of any creature comforts, but the attitude of the staff hardly seems in keeping with the seriousness of the situation. Remember, boys and girls, we all have to make these little sacrifices.