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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 13. June 6 1978

Dear Mr. Wilson,

You poor bastard, you weak excuse for a person; Resign so Salient can regain a sense of normality. You pull yourself so much that you fill up the pages of Salient with your purile shit and hide the truth. You fabricate issues that students do not give a stuff about and then you turn around and say we do really care. Get

Out - and take that typesetter with you - we do not want a child telling us what we think, so get lost and stop torturing students with your crap. It makes us cry to watch your pathetic efforts each week, as we hold you as editor responsible for the mess Salient is in.

Wilson Resign Now!

Yours with kindest regards,

J.L.S. Gull.

(Couldn't you put it all into one letter? — Ed.)