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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 13. June 6 1978

SPUC Chickens Out

SPUC Chickens Out

Dear Sir,

In answer to your letter of last week from "Worried Man" (sic), the official position of the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Chicken (SPUC) on this important issue is that "every egg from the moment of conception, is a potential chicken and thus has an inalienable right to life".

The claims of those in the pro-ovivorous, anti-life camp ("every chicken a wanted chicken"), that when allowed to hatch, these chickens eke out a miserable existence, uncared for by a society that produced them, until they are slaughtered cruelly at the tender age of 12 weeks; are irrelevant. Our organisation washes its, hands of the whole affair once the chicken has hatched.

Yours &c.,

Marilyn Pullet,

President, Society for the Protection of the Unborn Chicken.