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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 13. June 6 1978



A small contingent of Vic students travelled [unclear: a] to Auckland during the May holidays to do [unclear: tle] with the Northern chess clubs. The match [unclear: ainst] the Northshore club featured several [unclear: intrsting] games, the diagrammed position rep resting the situation in the Leonhardt-Beach [unclear: en-unter] before the concluding combination.

Ignoring the attack on his knight Black [unclear: con-tued] I...Ng5!; 2. Rc7 (The main line is 2. hg4, [unclear: 3] ch.; 3. gf3, Qf3; 4. Kfl, Rd8!; and White [unclear: n't] prevent 5...Qh! ch.; Ke2, Bf3 ch.; and 7... [unclear: 5ch.;)] Nf3 ch.; 3. gf3, Ne5; 4. Kfl, Nf3; 5. Qe Nd4; 6. Qg4, Qhl ch.; and White resigned as [unclear: er] 7. Qgl, Bg2 ch.; wins the queen.

[unclear: Curious] Continuations [unclear: Ponsored] by Paramount and [unclear: Enthouse] Cinemas)

In this week's problem White is to play and [unclear: n] from the diagrammed position. Solutions [unclear: ould] be handed in at the Salient office by [unclear: mid-y] Wednesday. The first correct solution draw [unclear: t] of a hat wins the prize of a double pass to [unclear: ei-er] the Paramount or Penthouse cinemas.

The solution to last week's problem was Rd5 ch.; cd5; 2. Nd3 ch.; ed3; 3. f4 mate. [unclear: e] winner was M. Berry

[unclear: Tickets] can be picked up at the Salient office.

[unclear: vid] Beach.

Drawing of a chess board

Drawing of a chess board