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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 13. June 6 1978

Student Health

Student Health

To all Cystitis Sufferers.

It is a very common complaint in the female student. The signs and symptoms are:
1.Frequency of urine,
2.Burning and a painful sensation when urinating.
4.Swelling around the vagina.

All signs and symptoms are caused by bacteria in the uretha which infects the bladder and occasionally the kidneys, which can lead to a more serious illness.

Cystitis in females can be caused by the introduction of E. Coli (75% of all cases) following vigorous sexual intercourse.


1.Wash the genital area before and after intercourse and morning and night.
2.Urinate following intercourse has been recommended.
3.Use condoms to help prevent infection.
4.Do not use vaginal deodorants.
5.Good fluid intake and avoid coffee, tea, alcohol and spices as they irritate the bladder.
6.Empty the bladder frequently.

Here at the Health Service the Doctor sends your midstream urine specimen to the laboratory for testing and then will usually prescribe an antibiotic.

For you to help relieve symptoms yourself drink up to 4 pints of water daily as this dilutes the urine and washes out the uretha.

Other causes can be: hormonal changes, stress, childbirth, chemicals or physical problems e.g. blockage in the uretha.

Don't Be Shy About Seeking Help From Your Doctor.