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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 2. March 6 1978


Recent events in the horn of Africa have been confusing in their content and swift in their movement. The situation is obviously a complex one which needs dissecting before it can be properly appreciated. As well, the mounting offensive of the Soviet Union in the area is turning the local conflicts in part of the worldwide power game between the two superpowers. This article examines the significance of recent developments in the Horn.

Aeroflot Aircraft at Ethiopian Airstrip after Arms Haul.

Aeroflot Aircraft at Ethiopian Airstrip after Arms Haul.

Towards the end of last year the fascist Ethiopian regime headed by Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam looked distinctly wobbly. A number of major revolts against its rule were at the point of forcing its downfall.