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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 2. March 6 1978

Easter Tournament

Easter Tournament

Tournament this year will be held in Christchurch starting on March 28. Tournament sports include Athletics, Cricket, Tennis. Volleyball, Swimming, Water Polo Snooker. Shooting (smallbore) and Drinking.

Accommodation will be provided in Christchurch for those who require it.

Travel: Sports Council has arranged travel for those who do not wish to make their own way.

Costs: The return airfare costs $54, billeting, social and tournament levies are $3. adding up to $57. Sports Council has decided to subsidize this by $7 per person giving a total of $50.

Application forms are available from the Studass office (Ground floor, Union Building). Names must be in my hands by the end of this week (11th March); and monies must be paid in by 18th March.

This is one of the gala sporting and [unclear: cocial] events of the year, and is great value for the price. It you have any questions, I can usually be found in the Studass office.

Peter Thrush

(Interim) Sports Officer