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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977



MONDAY APRIL 18.1 1a.m.-2p.m. Display of equipment by photo-graphic society. Main foyer. 5-7p.m. Young Socialists Meeting — discussion on The Fight Against Women's Oppression. Everyone welcome. TUESDAY APRIL 19.12-2p.m. Young Socialists literature table. Main foyer. 2.15p.m. Union films: 'Play it again Sam' starring Woody Allen. Memorial Theatre. 6-7p.m. Scottish country dancing. All welcome, especially beginners. Committee members please remember the meeting. 5.30p.m.-8p.m. Lounge, International Club meeting, Topic: New Zealand now, and whereit's going. WEDNESDAY APRIL 2011-2p.m. Table tennis club information table. Enquiries welcome. 12-2p.m. Special General Meeting of VUWSA Union Hall. 12-4p.m. Learn a new skill, or share an oldone. Anything from hang-gliding to basket making Contact RELAX this time every Wednesday. Gym Store 1p.m. Mass each week at this time. RB819. 1p.m. Labour Club discussion with Pat Kelly, Chairman of the Wellington Trades Council, All welcome. 5p.m. Union Films "Easy Rider. "Memorial Theatre. 5-7p.m. Lounge Students against imperialism meeting. All welcome 5.30 p.m. Publications Board Meeting Boardroom 7.30-9p.m. Photographic society tuition evening. Come along and find out how to print your own B & W film All welcome. 8p.m. Psychology Society wine and stein, Lounge. THURSDAY APRIL 21.12 noon Students against Apartheid. Smok in groom. 12-2p.m. Forum — Allen Pinjen, a Malaysian student from Australia speaks on 'China in Turmoil' Union Hall. Organised by the Young Socialists. 1-2p.m. Jesus Christ is the answer for every person, Jesus is alive today. Find out how to get in touch with him. Pastor Pearson will teach on how to establish a loving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Lounge. 2.15p.m. Union Films' Paper Moon 'Memorial Theatre. 7.30p.m. VUW Table Tennis Club A.G.M. All welcome, Gymnasium. FRIDAY APRIL 22.12-2p.m. Forum — Dave Deutschmann from Australia speaks on the struggle of Australian students to get a living allowance. Union Hall. Organised by the Young Socialists. 1-2p.m. Women's Choice Club meeting to discuss the report of the Royal Commission on Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion, Smoking Room. Any club can put notices of meetings in this news-sheet. Deadline is midday Thursday in the Students Association Office. No late entries will be accepted.